Website for Sanakalan 2022, annual technical fest organised by the students of the Depratment of Computer Science, University of Delhi.
💻 Built with Eleventy (aka 11ty).
Git, Nodejs, NPM.
# clone this repository
git clone
# go to working directory
cd sankalan
# install dependencies
npm install
Run npm start
to run 11ty on localhost port 8080.
_site: This is the default output folder where all the files matching valid template file extensions are compiled.
_includes: Contains all the layouts or templates that are used to wrap other content.
_data: Contains javascript data files and json files.
assets: Contains all the static assets like stylesheets and images.
pages: Website content goes here.
.eleventy.js: To override 11ty configuration options with our own preferences.
Set envirnoment variable NODE_ENV
to production.
Run npm run build
to generate a production build.