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Shopify4J - Caffeinated Shopify Bindings

This project is no longer actively maintained. Feel free to use it, but any issues that may arise will most likely not be fixed.

The original developer hasn't worked on or used this project for years. As such you'll need to figure out what the problems are on your own

Shopify4J is an Android-compatible library allows developers to programatically access the Admin section of Shopify stores.

The API is implemented as JSON over HTTP using the CRest library.


For an example of how to make API calls, take a look at the ShopifyProductsListDemo

These files were machine generated using the fixtures data from the test assets. If you need to add additional functionality to a model, you should make your changes to the subclass

Shop password and App callback Uri

In order to make API calls, you will need to get the user to authorize your application as shown in the documentation. Thankfully, we've taken care of all the authentication parts. You simply need to populate a basic Credentials object then redirect the user to the authorization URL that can be created from it.

public URI constructShopAuthRequest() {
  String shopname = "Your-Shop-Here";
  try {
    JsonDirectoryCredentialsStore store = new JsonDirectoryCredentialsStore(new File("/tmp"));
    Credential emptyCredential = makeEmptyCredential(shopname);

    APIAuthorization auth = new APIAuthorization(emptyCredential);
    return auth.generateAuthRequest();
  } catch (Exception e) {

protected Credential makeEmptyCredential(String shopname) {
  String apiKey = getString("apiKey");
  String sekretz = getString("ftw");
  return new Credential(apiKey, sekretz, shopname);

Android Specifics

In order to authenticate, you'll need to create a browser Intent with the generated authentication URL.

What you must ensure is that your App has a callback uri defined, otherwise you won't be able to get the token returned from the API which you can use to make authenticated API requests. Under your apps page for your partners account, you'll have a "return URL" for your application. This will need to be something custom and hopefully namespaced such as:


You'll also need to configure your Android manifest so that it responds to all uris that begin with //comexamplemyapplication//. This can be done by adding something similar to the following to your app:

<activity android:name=".MyShopifyAPICallbackActivity">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <data android:scheme="comexamplemyapplication" />

For the Lazy

You can have your callback activity extend the GenericShopifyCallbackActivity which will use the JsonDirectoryCredentialsStore for loading and saving shop authentication data. Though for the time being you are still responsible for ensuring the entry for the shop in question is still initialized properly.

But for your callbacks all you need to do now is:

public class YourFinalizeAuthActivity extends GenericShopifyCallbackActivity {

       public Class<?> getOnSuccessActivity(){
       	      return YourActivityToLaunchAfterSuccess.class;

Android Demo

The included ShopifyProductsListDemo shows how to set up an application that will authorize against a users Shopify store, calculate the API password for that store, fetch a list of products from a store and tell you how many products it has.

The handshaking/OAuth-like aspect of the application was taken from this tutorial.

Known Issues

  • Trying to update information can lead to unexpected results.
  • There are several dependencies which can lead to large applications. It is in your best interest to get proguard working so you strip away any unused classes.


Shopify API Bindings for Java







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