You can find this website at
Install ruby, jekyll, and bundler.
sudo apt install ruby-full
gem install jekyll bundler
Subsequently run:
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
What this does is setting a local path as directory to store gems in. This reduces conflicts with a global installation. It then runs jekyll serve through bundle (so the right gems are used).
If you want to update, e.g. regarding fixes for security vulnerabilities, run:
bundle update
Note that this is a static website.
Jekyll uses
to use BASE_PATH
. Here we are only in production, but we do not want to set safe: true
because that disables custom plugins. Hence in _includes/JB/setup
we have removed the
clause as indicated by ubershmekel at plusjade/jekyll-bootstrap#84.
You can add a blog post by:
rake post title="Your fancy title"
Now navigate to the file created for you and adjust it.
In case you have never worked with a markdown syntax before. It is quite easy. This very file is written in it! The variant of markdown that is used is called kramdown. A very short overview:
- links
- movies
- images
- social cards
- equations
- code snippets
An external link has the following syntax.
An internal link is preceded by {{ site.url }}
[Description]({{ site.url }}/scenarios)
A link to another blog post
[Description]({{ site.url }}{% link _posts/ %})
Given that auto_ids: true
is set, within the same page can also be linked:
## Some heading
See [above](#some-heading) for the into.
A movie can be embedded by using:
{% youtube YOUTUBE_ID %}
An image can be embedded by placing it in the attachments folder and link it through

An example of a right-floated image:
{: .float-right}
Here we use kramdown to use the css style float-right
An example of a centered image:
{: style="display:block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;"}
Or, the short-hand:
{: .img-center}
With maximum width set to the complete view port (100%):
{: .limit-width}
An example of a resized image:
{: style="width: 500px"}
To set for example maximum width to half the page and have it aligned to the right:
{: style="max-width: 50%"}{: .float-right}
A social card, either open graph or twitter can be set through adding the following to the Jekyll preamble.
social-image: /attachments/image.jpg
You cannot use liquid tags like {{ site.url }}
A mathematical equation can be described with
To add a piece of code formatted as a given language, use
~~~ c
int main() {
printf("Hi, this is Crownstone!\n")
You will need to add the .css file then. We use rouge
as highlighter and use the style github
for now.
rougify style monokai > assets/themes/flat/css/syntax.css
To include this file add the following to the header:
- syntax.css
Other syntax options you can probably find in no time searching online or checking other posts.
The site is run through Jekyll:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Or if you have an older jekyll installation
bundle exec jekyll --server --auto
If you run an incremental version, you will run into polyglot errors regarding out
not being defined on a doc
bundle exec jekyll serve -w -i
It might actually be the case that running it once without -i
or --interactive
already repairs the build.
You can then see the website served at:
There is Procfile that allows you to run it on Heroku:
web: jekyll serve -P $PORT
You can install a theme through:
rake theme:install git=""
And switch a theme through:
rake theme:switch name="flat"
If you want to adjust the theme, you have to navigate to \_includes/themes/flat/
and assets/themes/flat/
For running on Heroku, there is a Gemfile added. You add for example kramdown to it, or oembed and run "bundle install".
The information for the different plugins is stored in an .env
file which is not pushed to github (it is part of the .gitignore
file. Its content currently defines identifiers for Embedly and Google:
Write here your own keys to get the analytics and use embedly (although the latter I found not so convenient in the end, requiring paid subscriptions already after showing a movie only several times).
Added as plugin in Gemfile: polyglot.
The "source code" for the website is required before you can uploaded the compiled website:
git clone [email protected]:crownstone/website
This will download the source of the website. You build in the usual way, by something like:
bundle exec jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config-authors.yml
In .gitignore
you will notice that the website generated in _site
is excluded from the master branch. This is because this directory is stored as the gh-pages
cd _site
git clone -b gh-pages [email protected]:crownstone/website
So, the result in _site/.git/config
should be:
[remote "gh-pages"]
url = [email protected]:crownstone/website.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gh-pages/*
[branch "gh-pages"]
remote = gh-pages
merge = refs/heads/gh-pages
Now, you can just build the website and subsequently push the source as well as the website itself by git push
in the respective directory.
Note, that _config.yml
and _config-authors.yml
are not in the github repository. Although the information is not entirely confidential, if someone wants to use this as a basis of their website, these files need to be adapted anyway.
The defaults for a page or post can be found in _includes/themes/flat/default.html
The particular stylesheet in use for Crownstone can be found in assets/themes/flat/css/crownstone-global.css
You can include snippets through the following syntax:
{% include snippets/social-card %}
To add arguments:
{% include snippets/social-card channel="opengraph" %}
{% include snippets/social-card channel="twitter" %}
Something like page
is available in such a snippet.
Let's single out compilation of native extensions because that's most likely to give issues.
The RedCloth code needs Ruby to compile its extension natively. For this you will need to be able to compile with gcc and make. You can test make
on the command line.
sudo apt install gcc make build-essential
sudo apt install ruby-dev
If this is not sufficient, run make
in the directory that's visible in your error messages. You will probably find out that the compiler has become more strict. For example, what might have been a warning in the past is now an error. You can pass build information like this:
bundle config --local build.RedCloth --with-cflags=-w
The license for the Jekyll part is MIT. The license for Bootstrap as well. The copryights of Bootstrap belong to Twitter.
With respect to our companies theme, please, try to create a distinct look for your users compared to ours. However, we won't mind if you use parts of it. The copyrights (2013) of these belong to:
- Author: Anne van Rossum
- Crownstone B.V.,
- Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The theme design is done by Alex de Mulder. The contents of the website is Crownstone's; thanks to Bart, Remco, Dominik, Marc, Peet, Anne, Roemer, Laurens, Jorik, Merel, Bhenaz, Remco, Janny, Alexander, and many others.
This software is provided under a noncontagious open-source license towards the open-source community. It's available under three open-source licenses:
- License: LGPL v3+, Apache, MIT
This software can also be provided under a commercial license. If you are not an open-source developer or are not planning to release adaptations to the code under one or multiple of the mentioned licenses, contact us to obtain a commercial license.
- License: Crownstone commercial license
For any question contact us at or on our discord server through