A gem to validate crowbar databags
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'crowbar-validate-databags'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install crowbar-validate-databags
$ crowbar-validate-databags PATH/TO/DATABAGS/
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
To release a new version, first of all create a new local branch like git checkout -b feature/version
for updating the CHANGELOG.md
(please handle it the same way as in previous
versions) and for raising the version number, you can find the version in
After merging the pull request it's time to build the rubygem and to release it.
This is done automatically by Travis once a git tag is pushed or you can manually run bundle exec rake release
on the master branch in order to create the tag (according to lib/crowbar/validate/databags/version.rb
and push the gem at the same time.
$ bundle exec rake release
crowbar-validate-databags 1.0.0 built to pkg/crowbar-validate-databags-1.0.0.gem.
Tagged v1.0.0.
Pushed git commits and tags.
Pushed crowbar-validate-databags 1.0.0 to rubygems.org
Last, go to https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar-validate-databags/releases and edit the new release. Then you should put the latest changelog into the description form field.