Android only foreground service with JS code support, This is a library which can help to run headless js task while your app is in background, such as geolocation update, play music, fetch data,
TODO: Write a proper readme.
Thanks to the following repos to provide ideas and insight about how to do this.
- Add to package.json
"react-native-foreground-service": "github:cristianoccazinsp/react-native-foreground-service",
-- For react native >= 60.0 , autolinking is used
-- For react native previous versions
react-native link react-native-foreground-service
Add/configure the following into the AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
add a color.xml file in /android/app/src/main/res/values
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item name="orange" type="color">#FF4500
<integer-array name="androidcolors">
<!-- inside application -->
<meta-data android:name="com.zinspector.foregroundservice.notification_channel_name"
android:value="zInspector Service"/>
<meta-data android:name="com.zinspector.foregroundservice.notification_channel_description"
android:value="zInspector Service."/>
<meta-data android:name="com.zinspector.foregroundservice.notification_color"
<service android:name="com.zinspector.foregroundservice.ForegroundService"></service>
<service android:name="com.zinspector.foregroundservice.ForegroundServiceTask"></service>
TODO, but basically: register headless task (at module level) and then call the methods from index.js with the notification config
import ForegroundService from 'react-native-foreground-service';
// register task with a given name and function
let foregroundTask = async (data) => {
await myTask();
ForegroundService.registerForegroundTask("myTaskName", foregroundTask);
// then later, start service, and send tasks
let notificationConfig = {
id: 3,
title: 'Service',
message: `blah message`,
visibility: 'public',
importance: 'low',
number: String(1)
await ForegroundService.startService(notificationConfig);
await ForegroundService.runTask({
taskName: 'myTaskName',
delay: 0
// stop service when no longer needed
await ForegroundService.stopServiceAll();
// or await ForegroundService.stopService();
Take Geolocation while the app in Background