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Create Firebase Project

Rohit Sarkar edited this page Aug 26, 2019 · 10 revisions
  1. Open the Firebase Console
  2. Click on Create Project and enter the details, no need to setup analytics.
  3. Click on add Firebase to your web app button. Enter a nickname for your app, no need to setup firebase hosting.
  4. In the Firebase Console click on project settings and navigate to Service accounts and click on Generate new Private Key.
  5. Copy the downloaded key to the backend directory and rename the file to config.json
  6. In setup.js change the database URL, you'll get the database URL from the Service account tab in Firebase console.
  7. Go to the Authentication section of your project. Go to Sign-in method and enable Email/Password
  8. Go to the Database section of your project. Under the rules tab set both of the rules (read and write) to true.