Crowd-sourced discovery of gravitational lenses. We are a Zooniverse project, which launched in Spring 2013 at This repository contains code and documentation being developed by the science team.
Two papers on the first dataset we searched for lenses, the CFHTLS, are:
- Marshall et al 2015: "Space Warps I: Crowd-sourcing the Discovery of Gravitational Lenses"
- More et al 2015: "Space Warps II: New Gravitational Lens Candidates from the CFHTLS Discovered through Citizen Science"
The web app itself is being developed here as part of the Zooniverse project. The simulated lenses used in the training sample are created with SIMCT. If you are interested in building a site like Space Warps using Zooniverse techology, keep an eye on their website or drop them a line.
See also, for fun:
- Phil Marshall (KIPAC, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Aprajita Verma (Physics Department, University of Oxford)
- Anupreeta More (Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
You can email us at [email protected], or just send us an issue!
All our code is free to re-use under the MIT license. If you make use of any of it in your research, please cite us at this website, and (for now) as "(Marshall et al 2015, More et al 2015)". Please do get in touch though - it would be great to collaborate on improving the SWAP analysis, for example!