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A client-side only Forge mod that contains a collection of features.


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Cow's collection ➔ Cowlection

Cowlection is a client-side-only Forge mod by Cow for Minecraft version 1.8.9.
It is a collection of different features mainly focused on Hypixel SkyBlock. 🐄

Current features

➜ Use /moo help to see all available commands. ➜ Use /moo config to adjust the features to your needs.

Feature Command/Usage
Search through your Minecraft log files /moo search (click the ? for more info)
Stalk a player (check online status, current game, ...) /moo stalk
Show all client-side commands added by all installed mods /commandslist
Copy chat component ALT + right click
Hold shift to copy full component
Copy inventories to clipboard as JSON CTRL + C (single item)
CTRL + SHIFT + C (whole inventory)
Copy info of "the thing" you're looking at (NPC or mob + nearby "text-only" armor stands; armor stand, placed skull, banner, sign, dropped item, item in item frame, map on wall) /moo whatAmILookingAt
Tab-completable usernames for several commands (e.g. /party, /invite, ...) /moo configCommands with Tab-completable usernames for full list of commands
Auto-replace /r with /w <latest username> /r , use /rr to avoid auto-replacement
Change guiScale to any value /moo guiscale [newValue]
Check for mod updates on server login and via command /moo update

SkyBlock related features

Feature Command/Usage
Stalk SkyBlock stats of a player /moo stalkskyblock
Analyze chests and their Bazaar, lowest BINs, and NPC value on your private island /moo analyzeChests
Analyze minions, chest and hopper counts on a private island /moo analyzeIsland
Improved Dungeon item tooltips (item quality + obtained floor; normalize dungeon item stats) To normalize stats: Hold shift (configurable) while viewing a dungeon item tooltip
Improved Dungeon Party Finder configure with /moo config party
Dungeon Party inspector (Who is in my party again? What class are we missing?) /moo dungeon party or /moo dp
Dungeon performance tracker and overlay: Skill score calculation, class milestone tracker, destroyed crypts tracker, and elapsed time indicator automatically; or with /moo dungeon
Check how long current world has been loaded (≈ when the server was last restarted) /moo worldage + /moo config → SkyBlock
Additional info in various tooltips (e.g. show item age, display pet exp, price per item in an auction, Bestiary overview) /moo config → SkyBlock → Tooltip enhancements
Quick lookup for item prices and wiki articles Prices: P, Wiki: I (= Info; use SHIFT to switch between Fandom and official wiki)


You can download the compiled .jar files from the release section.

➜ View Changelog


If you have any questions, suggestions or other feedback, you can join the Discord server.