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WURFL and Python

by Armand Lynch (lyncha at users dot sourceforge dot net)

pywurfl is a Python language package that makes dealing with the WURFL in Python a little easier. It contains tools that allow you to retrieve objects that represent devices defined in the WURFL or manipulate the WURFL device hierarchy by using a simple set of API functions or a pywurfl specific query language. Also included within the package is a WURFL processor class that provides an event based API that can be used to alleviate some of the work when processing the WURFL sequentially.


pywurfl is Copyright 2004-2010, Armand Lynch (lyncha at users dot sourceforge dot net) The code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the LGPL License (see the file LICENSE included with the distribution).


Python >= 2.4

Required Modules

ElementTree or cElementTree (if Python < 2.5)

Levenshtein Module >= 0.10.1 is required for user agent similarity algorithms.

Optional Modules

pyparsing >= 1.5 is required if you want to use the pywurfl query language.


The pywurfl package contains a script that translates a WURFL compatible XML file into a python class hierarchy that the pywurfl API can use directly. The default name for the output file is Type the following at the command line to produce it:

python wurfl.xml

In order to patch your wurfl.xml file, use the WURFL XSLT Tools. Then run wurfl2python again on the patched file.

A quick usage example

After you have created the module, you can use the following code to get a device object based on a user agent and print it to stdout.

from wurfl import devices
from pywurfl.algorithms import TwoStepAnalysis

user_agent = u"Nokia3350/1.0 (05.01)"
search_algorithm = TwoStepAnalysis(devices)

device = devices.select_ua(user_agent, search=search_algorithm)

# Print out the specialized capabilities for this device.
print device
That's it.

pywurfl API

To get an object that represents a device, you can use one of 2 methods of the 'devices' object imported from the module.

select_id(unicode, [actual_device_root=False], [instance=True])
This method returns a device object based on the WURFL ID provided.

If actual_device_root is True then the select_id method will return the requested device or a device in its fallbacks if it is an actual device.

If instance is False then the select_id method will return a class object instead of an instance.

select_ua(unicode, [actual_device_root=False], [normalize=True], [search=False], [instance=True])
This method returns a device object based on the user agent provided.

If actual_device_root is True then the select_ua method will return the requested device or a device in its fallbacks if it is an actual device.

If normalize is True then the user agent will have most noise strings removed before it is tested against the WURFL. Noise strings are those that are added by gateways or serial numbers that are not included in the WURFL.

The search argument takes an instance of pywurfl.algorithms.Algorithm. At this time, only four algorithms are provided: TwoStepAnalysis, Tokenizer, Levenshtein distance and JaroWinkler. The TwoStepAnalysis algorithm is the default algorithm used in Java and PHP APIs, you can find a description of it here. The other three algorithms are older and probably shouldn't be used in new programs.

If instance is False then the select_ua method will return a class object instead of an instance.

More API methods

There are a few more methods that you can use on the 'devices' object to manipulate the device class hierarchy itself.

add(parent, devid, devua, [actual_device_root=False], [capabilities=None])

add_capability(group, capability, object)


insert_after(parent, devid, devua, [actual_device_root=False], [capabilities=None])

insert_before(child, devid, devua, [actual_device_root=False], [capabilities=None])




Here's an example

from wurfl import devices

# Add a new device
            u'Mozilla/25.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:25.0.0) Gecko/21000711 Firefox/28.1.5',

# Add a new capability group

# Add some capabilities to the teleporter group
devices.add_capability(u'teleporter', u'teleportation_device', False)
devices.add_capability(u'teleporter', u'distance', 20) # in km
devices.add_capability(u'teleporter', u'can_recover_from_errors', False)

# Add a new device overriding a default capability value
# Note that no devices had a 'teleportation_device' attribute until we added it
            u'Mozilla/25.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:26.0.0) Gecko/21000712 Firefox/28.1.6',
            capabilities={u'teleportation_device': True})

# Add another group and capabilities
devices.add_capability(u'python', u'py_version', u'2.5')
devices.add_capability(u'python', u'py_heap_size', 0)

# Remove an unused group

# Not interested in tiff files
Check the documentation for more information.


It's also possible to serialize changes that you make to a WURFL compatible XML file.

from wurfl import devices
from pywurfl.serialize import Serialize

# Remove some groups and their capabilities from the WURFL hierarchy

Search Algorithm Classes

The algorithms module contains four algorithm classes (TwoStepAnalysis, Tokenizer, JaroWinkler and LevenshteinDistance). When instantiating any of these classes, a callable object will be returned that can be used to search a 'devices' object with the provided user agent.

In order to use the TwoStepAnalysis algorithm, you must initialize it with a set of known devices.

The devwindow argument determines the upper limit of device matches before the algorithm would return the generic device.

JaroWinkler([accuracy=1.0], [weight=0.05])
The accuracy argument determines the lower limit at which pywurfl will determine if a user agent matches another. If no device can be found that scores equal to or greater than accuracy, a generic device is returned. Valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0

The LevenshteinDistance algorithm takes no arguments.

from wurfl import devices
from pywurfl.algorithms import TwoStepAnalysis, JaroWinkler, Tokenizer, LevenshteinDistance

tsa = TwoStepAnalysis(devices)
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
jarow = JaroWinkler()
levdis = LevenshteinDistance()

user_agent = u"Nokia3350/1.0 (05.01)"
device1 = jarow(user_agent, devices)
device2 = tokenizer(user_agent, devices)
device3 = levdis(user_agent, devices)

device4 = devices.select_ua(user_agent, search=tsa)
device5 = devices.select_ua(user_agent, search=jarow)
device6 = devices.select_ua(user_agent, search=tokenizer)
device7 = devices.select_ua(user_agent, search=levdis)
It's also very easy to define your own algorithm for use in pywurfl in case the algorithms provided don't serve your needs. Just subclass the pywurfl.algorithms.Algorithm class and follow the protocol.

Device Objects

The object returned by either select_id or select_ua is usually a Device instance.

device = devices.select_id(unicode)
A device object has many attributes. The device id, user agent, fall_back and actual_device_root attributes are exposed with the following attributes of the device object:

device.fall_back # All devices have a fall_back attribute
Any capability that is defined in the WURFL becomes an attribute of the device object. For example:

All attributes are converted into their respective Python types. For example:

device.ringtone  # Attribute is boolean
device.preferred_markup  # Attribute is a unicode string
device.rows  # Attribute is an integer
You can iterate over a device object to select each capability and its corresponding value. For example, to print out all capabilities of a device object you can use the code below:

for group, capability, value in device:
    print group, capability, value
Every device has a shared groups attribute which is a Python dictionary where the keys are the capability group names as defined in the WURFL and the values are lists of the capability names for that specific group.

for group in sorted(device.groups):
    print group
Classes and Instances

The API methods can also return a class object instead of an instance. What wurfl2python does is produce a module that creates a single inheritance class hierarchy of all WURFL devices. You can use this to your advantage if you want to change the attributes of a device at run-time and have all of its descendants represent that change.

# get an arbitrary device instance
device = devices.select_id(u'blackberry_generic_ver3_sub2')

# get the generic device *class*
gen = devices.select_id(u'generic', instance=False)

# modify the generic class
gen.teleportation_device = False

# since all devices inherit from the generic device, this will not raise an attribute error now
device.teleportation_device # == False
If you want to maintain the integrity of the class hierarchy, you should use the add/remove/insert API methods on the 'devices' object mentioned above.

Query Language

The pywurfl package includes a query language that makes it easier to retrieve a list of devices, WURFL IDs or user agents based on the capabilities of a device. The best way to see what the query language looks like and what it can do is with an example.

from wurfl import devices
from pywurfl.ql import QL  # Import the query function generator

# Retrieve a function that will query the devices object
query = QL(devices)

# QL also adds a query method to devices (devices.query)

q1 = u"""select id where ringtone=true and rows < 5 and
         columns > 5 and preferred_markup = 'wml_1_1'"""

for wurfl_id in query(q1):
    print wurfl_id

# Let's look for some nice phones
q2 = u"""select device where all(ringtone_mp3, ringtone_aac, wallpaper_png,
         streaming_mp4) = true"""

# Notice that we can also retrieve device classes
for device in devices.query(q2, instance=False):
    print device.brand_name, device.model_name

# We can also use the methods on the capability types to refine our queries.
# Note that you should *always* quote the strings that are passed to functions
# and those that are used in comparisons.
q3 = u"""select ua where brand_name.lower()='nokia'"""
for ua in query(q3):
    print ua

q4 = u"""select ua where brand_name.replace('No', 'Si').lower()='sikia'"""
for ua in query(q4):
    print ua

q5 = u"""select ua where model_name.isdigit()=true and actual_device_root=true"""
for ua in query(q5):
    print ua

# There are also a couple of regex methods (match and imatch) that were added
# to the string type to make those kind of queries possible. Use imatch to
# ignore case.
q6 = u"""select ua where brand_name.match('^No')=true"""
for ua in query(q6):
    print ua

# and arbitrary nesting is supported
q7 = u"""select ua where brand_name.replace('Nokia', brand_name.lower())='nokia'"""
for ua in query(q7):
    print ua
A full description of the query language is included in the documentation.

The WURFL Processor

The WURFL processor is a general class that walks a WURFL XML file and executes hooks as specific events occur in a fashion similar to SAX. The best way to understand the WURFL processor is to look at its documentation. For an example of how to use use it, look at the source for


I would like to thank the following people for their contributions:

Thanks Pau Aliagas for the many patches, bug reports and improvements.

Thanks Gabriele Fantini for the many patches, bug reports and improvements.

Thanks Michele Bariani for the many patches, bug reports and improvements.

Comments and/or suggestions are appreciated.


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