cargo run -- init ~/.pgrx/15.2/pgrx-install/bin/pg_config ~/.pgrx/data-15/ ~/.pgrx/15.2/contrib/
cargo run -- install pgjwt
Currently we only support tar/zip-packed PGXS extensions.
This extensions will show all function address of hooks in the Postgres. To build and use it,
cargo install [email protected] --locked
cargo run -- install-hook
Then run SQL:
SELECT * FROM show_hooks.all();
cargo run -- test pg_stat_statements
cargo run -- test-all --dump-to result.csv
# Install everything
cargo run -- install-hook
# Compile two plugins
cd pg_poop && make PG_CONFIG=~/.pgrx/15.2/pgrx-install/bin/pg_config PG_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-U,___pgext_before_init,-U,___pgext_after_init install
git clone && cd pg_hint_plan && make PG_CONFIG=~/.pgrx/15.2/pgrx-install/bin/pg_config PG_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-U,___pgext_before_init,-U,___pgext_after_init install
git clone && cd pg_stat_statements && make USE_PGXS=1 PG_CONFIG=~/.pgrx/15.2/pgrx-install/bin/pg_config PG_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-U,___pgext_before_init,-U,___pgext_after_init install
# Modify the config to include all three extensions
cargo run -- test pgextmgr pgext_pg_poop pgext_pg_stat_statements pgext_pg_hint_plan
cargo +nightly fmt
cargo clippy