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Releases: cmajor-lang/cmajor


05 Mar 20:46
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1.0.2788 Pre-release
Fix C++ code generation problem where vector<1> elements were generat…


16 Feb 17:30
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1.0.2771 Pre-release

This release includes various bug fixes, and some incremental changes to the language, and resolves various problems around vector support.

Improved compilation optimisation

There have been various improvements to the JIT compiler, which lead to more automatic vectorisation, and automatic loop unrolling. These updates may increase compile time, but will increase the runtime performance of the generated code.

Slices of slices

It is now possible to take a slice of a slice - previously we were not able to pass a slice to a function, and return part of this slice. Slice indexes must still be static, and are currently readonly. Further work will be made to relax these constraints further.


We now have convolution support in the std library. These include time domain and frequency domain implementations, including a zero latency convolution algorithm. The library supports multi-channel impulses.

New examples

There is a demo of convolution using a reverb, and a new synth (TX81Z).

Bug fixes

Resolved an issue related to vector<1> in the C++ code generator.
Resolved an issue where a wrap loop counter could be updated and lead to invalid loop repetitions
Fixed some intrinsic functions which previously accepted invalid data types leading to confusing error messages
Resolved an issue which could lead to hoisted endpoints having an invalid endpoint type, leading to invalid compile errors
Stopped the compiler incorrectly recompiling the patch when only UI components have been updated
Fixed C++ code generation related to some vector operations (|, &, >>, <<, >>>>>)


01 Nov 07:30
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Web Audio Module support

There is now an additional genererator option, wam which supports building a web audio module. This is a web audio plugin standard, see for details.

Improved endpoint hoisting support for renaming

Previously, it was possible to rename a hoisted endpoint by providing a new name. This support has been extended to provide a wildcard name which allows multiple endpoints to be hoisted and renamed.

graph Test
    input child_in;       // Specifies hoisting child input in, but renamed to child_in
    output child.* child_*;        // Hoists child.out and child.gain as child_out and child_gain

    node child = Child;

graph Child
    input stream float in;
    output stream float out;
    output stream float gain;

Bug fixes

Fixed the bundled windows LLVM libraries for static runtime.

Fixed an issue where graph connections could incorrectly trigger a duplicate node error.

Fixed a bug where constant ifs were not being handled correctly within parameterised namespaces which could lead to incorrect compile errors.

Resolved an issue on linux that was causing some WebView components to not load correctly.

Improved the performance of some value classes which could cause long load times for patches with many endpoints.

Fixed a problem where wrap types could sometimes be left by the compiler and cause code generation to fail.

Fixed inplace operators which caused problems when compiling to wasm.

Improved performance of the compiler by simplifying the state size calculation logic.

Fixed an issue with unused intermediate processors when hoisting endpoints that could cause compilation failure.


27 Sep 18:04
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SubtractOne example

The examples folder now includes a plugin with a UI build using React.

Improved error reporting from the C++ backend

In some situations, the C++ backend did not correctly report errors. This lead to an apparent successful run, but no C++ output for the patch. This has been resolved, and the backend now correctly reports the error.

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue which caused patch workers to often hang on windows, due to a race condition in the initialiser.

Oversanpled nodes now correctly handle forwarding for event array endpoints.

Ensured that the C++ backend casts ints correctly to resolve possible issues with function overloading.

Resolved issue where the plugin was not running correctly on some windows hosts.

Resolved an issue where the clap wrapper had problems with mono endpoints.

Linux plugin wrapper now builds correctly.

Resolved a problem with patches using floating point modulo not running with wasm.


15 Aug 14:14
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This release includes various updates related to the audio runtime and midi classes

API Updates

The API has been updated to return result codes from various methods on the Performer. The result indicates success, or specific error conditions. Previously these conditions would trigger an assert within the implementation, which was unhelpful when considering wrapping the library into other languages.

Updated LLVM

LLVM has been updated to version 18, which brings some performance benefits when running with the JIT.

Added SourceTransformer

A new beta capability has been added which allows a patch to modify source code before compilation. This can be used to inject user generated source code into a patch, or to transform source code in other ways. An example,FaustFM is included in the examples which uses both Faust and Cmajor source code, and uses a Faust to Cmajor transpiler to allow support mixing source within one patch, using a wasm build of the Faust compiler suite to transpile.

This feature is new and the API is likely to change over time as it stabilises, so expect some churn if you use this feature.

Bug fixes

There were issues in the previous release which caused compilation failures when using certain intrinsic functions. This has been resolved

Resolved a compile error related to unresolved types triggering errors when checking function return types

Resolved a problem when returning void events from a patch, which previously returned the incorrect type


19 Jun 04:44
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This release includes a major rewrite of how the application discovers audio and midi devices, removing the dependency on JUCE. The library and application builds of Cmajor do not use JUCE, although the project is capable of generating a JUCE project as an export target.

The Cmajor plugin is however a JUCE project. If building from source, the plugin is not built by default, and the -DBULD_PLUGIN=ON option must be specified to cmake. If the plugin is being built, a path to JUCE must be specified using -DJUCE_DIR=... option

General code tidy up

We have found that some uses of the library with stricter warnings enabled lead to warnings about unreachable statements, and issues around const char * conventions for string literals. We've resolved these issues, and updated our build settings to catch regressions in this area in future.

Drop binaryen support

The codebase had two ways of generating web assembly - via the LLVM backend, or using a custom web assembly generator. The LLVM backend produced superior code, but there were concerns the library would be too large to support Cmajor JIT in the browser. We have now completed this work, and determined that the LLVM backend is suitable for browser based compilation, and so have removed the custom web assembly generator.

Various CLAP export changes

The CLAP exporter now defaults to using a webview for the patch worker. In addition, the exporter now uses bigobj on windows platforms.

Updates for the default GUI to support non-linear parameter scaling

Parameters can now specify a mid value in their annotations. This specifies the value of the parameter in the central position of the knob. The default knob value is now scaled in a power series so that it passes through the mid value at the middle of it's travel. If no mid value is specified, the knob defaults ot the previous linear behaviour.

Changed type rules around wrap<> and clamp<> types

Previously, wrap and clamp types could not automatically converted to float, unlike int. This lead to some confusion when migrating algorithms from int to wrap. This change will mean some situations where previously an explicit cast was required is no longer needed.

Bug Fixes

Resolved a problem with the new audio interface failing to update the sample rate correctly

Resolved a problem where certain data types were not being correctly transformed into and out of the runtime. This mainly affected the C++ translation (JUCE plugin builds for example). Issues were fixed related to bool vectors with the JIT backend, and with void events with web assembly.

Solved a problem where output midi events were not being correctly timestamped when running with large block sizes within a plugin context.


24 Apr 14:54
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This release has various improvements to the web assembly generation, and how webaudio is supported.

SIMD support for wasm generator

The wasm generator now supports SIMD code generation, which gives significantly improved performance on wasm runtimes which support this. By default, the wasm generator generates both SIMD and non-SIMD code and switches between them based on whether the platform includes support. The generator has options to switch between this default and --no-simd and --simd-only modes for situations where the benefits of smaller generated files outweights the performance and compatibility benefits of supporting both.

Changes to the patch connection object to avoid javascript imports

The javascript helper classes have been refactored and are now provided via the patchConnection. The avoids the need to import cmaj_api files, as they are available via the patchConnection.

Updated patch worker runtime

The patch worker by default now runs using the native webview on the host. It can optionally be switched back to using the previous quickjs javascript interpreter, by adding --worker=quickjs as an option.

Added reset() method to the Performer API

We've added the ability to reset a Performer to the initial state. Previously a performer could not be reset and would have to be deleted and replaced with a new instance if a reset was required.

Bug Fixes

Various performance issues were identified which were triggered by having a large number of graph nodes. The fixes introduced improved algorithms and a reduction in the compilation time for these graph structures.

wasm output will now be correctly displayed when using the --debug option from the command line.

Some confusing error messages have been fixed which gave incorrect endpoint types in some error messages.

The on-screen keyboard now correctly ignores key modifiers (e.g. control) which could cause hanging notes on some platforms

modifications to the source code of a patch were no longer triggering reload of the patch - this was disabled inadvertently, and has been re-enabled in this release.

Resolved an issue which caused the --dry-run mode to fail.

Fixed an issue where the JIT plugin did not correctly restore state in some situations.

Fixed a conditional connection issue which could trigger a compilation failure when unused nodes were removed.

Fixed a problem with the JUCEPlugin helper which caused the patch to fail to reload in some situations.

Fixed a problem with hoisted endpoint arrays which lead to a failure to compile


17 Mar 11:18
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This release includes many new example projects, including Pro54 - a Cmajor implementation of the Pro53 synthesiser, showcasing how to build instruments and web GUIs using the runtime.

Code refactoring

Some of the helper functions have been refactored, especially in the clap plugin. We have also resolved some issues with warnings from more modern compiler suites, and fixed warnings when more stringent warnings are enabled in the compiler.

Pro54 improvements

We have fixed the GUI to correctly show the HPF mode on the GUI - it previously indicated this was a bandpass mode.

The program state saving wasn't implemented correctly, so restoring state when built as a VST plugin was incorrect. This should now function correctly.

CmajPlugin updates

The plugin was incorrectly storing it's state, and hence was unable to restore the plugin when reloading a saved DAW project.

Bug Fixes

The allocation strategy has been updated, so that all instances of a processor array are given unique ids, so now all processor instances in the graph have unique ids.

The load and link times in test output were being incorrectly calculcated, this has been fixed.


11 Mar 17:22
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Improvements to the html exporter

The patch worker is now supported in exported javascript/html. In addition, some paths have been fixed which previously lead to issues with publishing js/html patches to non-root URLs. The html panel now supports start/stop logic, and displays information from the original patch, including optional links to the patch source. In addition, the generated panels include an on-screen keyboard allowing simple testing of midi instruments.

Bug Fixes

Resolved a problem with drop down lists not being displayed correctly in the default GUI.

Resolved an issue with constant folding which could trigger an error with unresolved types.

The webaudio implementation had a limitation where it only supported a single input and output endpoint - this has now been resolved.


07 Mar 09:09
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Improvements to the html exporter

The patch worker is now supported in exported javascript/html. In addition, some paths have been fixed which previously lead to issues with publishing js/html patches to non-root URLs.

Bug Fixes

Resolved a problem with drop down lists not being displayed correctly in the default GUI.

Resolved an issue with constant folding which could trigger an error with unresolved types.