This is my collection of little tools mostly built in C#
Trivial WPF app that lets you measure angles on a any bitmap that you paste in:
Trivial UWP app that shows all the Symbol Font icons.
Windows 8 app that shows how to use the new Bluetooth API's to perform automatic sniffing of nearby BLE devices and pairing of those devices.
A WPF app that uses windows image acquisition API to interact with a scanner plugged into your PC and makes it easy to scan a box full of photos, and crop and touch them up, and save them with incremental file names to a target folder.
Simple command line tool that converts Blog Engine ML metadata to Wordpress format.
An old Windows 8 bluetooth demo app.
A simple command line tool for editing the byte order mark at the beginning of a file.
A little tool to compare WindowsCapabilities...
Beginnings of a UWP app that figures out optimal wood cutting patterns...
Command line tool that grocs the C++ include graph for a given number of C++ files and outputs a DGML graph.
Command line tool that moves videos from Pictures folder to Videos folder preserving the folder hierarchy of the videos.
An implementation of the Eaton Aerosmith Clocks program.
Incomplete WPF app. Currently converts RGB to HEX and shows you the color.
Finds all installed components matching the given pattern and creates the dependency graph.
A Windows 8 demo app shows a pretty Dashboard with radial dials and so forth.
A UWP version of my LogViewer app...incomplete...
A nice Windows 8 control for picking dates, I use it in my FunChores app.
A simple tool that you can run when you log in to randomly pick a new desktop wallpaper image.
A simple command line "diff" program that can find differences in 2 text files, uses a Google library.
A simple command line tool that dumps a file as hexadecimal.
A tool that plays with Efergy energy monitor. See my blog about it.
A web browser monkey keyboard app that expands all sections of a particular 401k statement so I can save then the page as PDF and save all the details in the page.
A command line tool that uses Windows Extended storage properties API to extract the real date a photo was taken, which it then uses to rename the photos IMG_{}.* where the index encodes the date taken order.
Incomplete, work in progress, couldn't find the original FileSync source code, so I was about to rebuild it, but MergePhotos is the current focus...
A WPF TreeMap implementation that shows number of lines in each file in a given sub-folder, shown in a TreeMap user interface.
Command line tool that merges 2 folders, eliminating duplicates. It also merges .xmp metadata correctly to avoid the number of c conflicts you might otherwise get in the process.
A Windows 8 app that provides a nice UI for picking available fonts.
A handy command line tool that mirrors a local folder up to an FTP server location.
A windows 8 app that provides simple way to log car gas usage (incomplete)
A simple command line grep tool that uses System.Text.RegularExpressions implementation of regular expressions.
Looks like another implementation of CIncludeGraph...
Parses HTML files finding elements matching given xpath location and prints them.
Downloads the content at the given url and stores it in a local file.
Downloads the given URL and provides a "deep" option that grabs all the linked content as well, including CSS, Audio, Images, SVG, Scripts and Zip files. This can for example, scrape all the content from a Stanford online class and store it locally so you access it offline.
Print HTTP headers returned from a given URL.
Analyze a bunch of .NET assemblies and produces a DGML graph of the dependencies between them all.
Incomplete Windows 8 app designed to be used as a personal diary type thing.
Handy little WPF app that will record a bunch of keystrokes you play on a given app, then replay them. It is handy way to build macros that do repetative edits in VS.
A pretty nice WPF PX4 drone log viewer application, supports PX4 logs, and mavlink logs.
(incomplete) An app that tries really hard to get my attention so I don't miss meetings while I'm deep in the coding groove...
Create DGML graph from project dependencies in an MSBuild solution.
Program that downloads network usage data from netgear router and shows a usage graph.
Program that downloads network usage data from comcast server and shows your usage (incomplete)
Program that converts newlines in a given text from to windows (\r\n) or linux (\n) style newlines.
Program that synchronizes OutLook contacts with Windows 8 Phone contacts. See demo video.
Program that generates icons for windows phone (incomplete)
Arduino sketch for monitoring Efergy power monitor.
Pretty print XML, lots of options.
Simple GUI prompt app, useful for use by command line scripts.
C++ command line tool to query why a given folder is locked. It prints out the process that is holding open files in that folder.
(incomplete) background task tool that monitor RSS feeds for changes.
Handy tool that can copy screen images after a delay so you can capture things like popup menus.
Directory of handy powershell scrtips.
SMTP mail sending command line tool, requires an SMTP host credentials to do the sending.
Command line tool that converts between SID and GUID.
Windows 8 sodoku game
Split all lines in a file by a given character.
WPF app for keeping track of how much time you are working on different stuff throughout the day.
Convert XML file from child elements to XML attribute format for all child elemnts, or just parents matching a given name.
The TreeMap library used by FileTreeMap.
The opposite of dumphex, it converts hexadecimal back to bytes.
Command line tool that uninstalls all products listed in a given XML file. Handy way to bulk uninstall everyting installed by Visual Studio for example.
Handy WPF app you can keep open in a corner that converts between Unix and Windows file system strings. Handy if you use Windows Subsystem on Linux a lot.
Unzips the given file in the current directory.
Let's you manually play a video and select the thumbnail image you want to use from that video, then it saves a .jpg next to the video containing the chosen thumbnail.
A windows build of darknet vision tools.
A little test UWP app that visualizes the difference between the .NET System.Random number generator and the with std C++ default_random_engine.
The unix word count app, can also count lines, and do a whole subdirectory printing a nice summary report of stats, including stats by file type like this:
D:\git\lovettsoftware\Tools>wc -s wc -e
ext, lines
.cache, 15
.config, 12
.cs, 482
.csproj, 64
.exe, 536
.pdb, 356
.sln, 25
.txt, 6
.user, 7
total, 1503
Command line tool that monitors the performance of a set of websites over time.
Command line tool to find given file in a given environment variable (default PATH).
Reverse DNS lookup.
Simple tool that builds a WIX XML file from a folder full of files.
A handy WPF template project used to build apps that look like LogViewer.
A tool where you can paste any XAML and save it as a transparent PNG Image.
A library that reads .csv files and converts them to XmlReader API.
An XML checker (lint for xml).
An simple command line tool that prints stats about an XML file.
Converts XML files to JSON format.
An XSL transform tool.