Recovering Simultaneously Structured Data via Non-Convex Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares - SimIRLS
Christian Kümmerle and Johannes Maly
This repository contains the code for the NeurIPS 2023 paper Recovering Simultaneously Structured Data via Non-Convex Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares [KM23], which studies an iteratively reweighted least squares approach (IRLS
) based on a smoothing strategy and a non-convex surrogate modelling for the problem of recovering simultaneously low-rank and row-sparse matrices from linear masureuments.
Reproducibile experiments and algorithmic implementations are provided in MATLAB.
Please cite this work as:
title = {Recovering Simultaneously Structured Data via Non-Convex Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares},
author = {K{\"u}mmerle, Christian and Maly, Johannes},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
volume = {36},
year = {2023}
- Obtain files of repository via either:
- Clone repository via
git clone --recurse-submodules
(note the flag--recurse-submodules
due to usage of submodule riemannian_thresholding)) - Download files and unpack into your MATLAB path, then download riemannian_thresholding and unpack into
- Run
from main folder of repository as current MATLAB folder.
: Minimal example of how to useIRLS-LRRS
[KM23] to solve a randomly generated simultaneous low-rank and row-sparse recovery problem (Gaussian measurements).demo_LRRS_Gaussian_rank1
: Also runsSPF
[LWB18] andRiemAdaIHT
[EKPU23] alongside ofIRLS-LRRS
for problem above.run_single_Example_LRRS
: Run to choose one of the problem setups of folder/Examples/
via text input. Use repository's main folder as current folder when doing this.
: Contains files to define the parameters for various example problem setups/algorithms
: Contains algorithm implementations/experiment_setup
: Code to setup and run experiments/experiments
: Scripts to load data and reproduce experiments of Figures 1-7 in [KM23]/results
: Plots containing experimental results of Figures 1-7 of [KM23]/utilities
: Contains various helper functions
Please contact the authors [KM23] for access to the original data for phase transitions experiments of Figure 1-2, 4-5 in [KM23].
): Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (for Low-Rank and Row-Sparse recovery), Algorithm 1 of [KM23].SPF
: Sparse Power Factorization [LWB18] in the version of Algorithm 4 of [LWB18] (rSPF_HTP
: Adaptive Riemannian Iterative Hard Thresholding as used in [EKPU23], cf. also repository here.
- [KM23] Christian Kümmerle and Johannes Maly, Recovering Simultaneously Structured Data via Non-Convex Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares. NeurIPS 2023, 2023.
- [EKPU23] Henrik Eisenmann, Felix Krahmer, Max Pfeffer, and André Uschmajew. Riemannian thresholding methods for row-sparse and low-rank matrix recovery. Numerical Algorithms, 93 (2):669–693, 2023.
- [LWB18] Kiryung Lee, Yihong Wu, and Yoram Bresler. Near-optimal compressed sensing of a class of sparse low-rank matrices via sparse power factorization. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(3):1666–1698, 2018.