MarkItUp is Rails plugin that helps you turn any textarea into a markup editor. It is based on excellent markItUp jQuery plugin.
Add this to your Gemfile
gem 'mark_it_up', :git => 'git://'
Don’t forget to run
bundle install
Generate MarkItUpController to be able to use default preview parser.
rails generate miu_controller
This will copy all assets to [Rails.root]/public/mark_it_up
You will also need jQuery.
<%= javascript_include_tag "path/to/jquery" %>
DEMO: You can see all examples in action on
<html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag "path/to/jquery" %> <%= mark_it_up '#miu_test' %> </head> <body> <%= form_tag do %> <%= text_area_tag "miu_test" %> <% end %> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag "jquery" %> <% MarkItUp.buttons = [ { :name => 'Bold', :icon => 'bold', :key => 'B', :openWith => '(!(<strong>|!|<b>)!)', :closeWith => '(!(</strong>|!|</b>)!)' }, { :name => 'Italic', :icon => 'italic', :key => 'I', :openWith => '(!(<em>|!|<i>)!)', :closeWith => '(!(<em>|!|<i>)!)' }, { :name => 'Stroke through', :icon => 'stroke', :key => 'S', :openWith => '<del>', :closeWith => '</del>' } ] %> <%= mark_it_up '#miu_test' %> </head> <body> <%= form_tag do %> <%= text_area_tag "miu_test" %> <% end %> </body> </html>
Here is the syntax
MarkItUp.replace_button(position, new_button) # replaces button at exact position MarkItUp.insert_button(new_button) # inserts button at the end MarkItUp.insert_button(position, new_button) # inserts button at exact position (buttons after position are moved up) MarkItUp.delete_button(position) # deletes button at exact position MarkItUp.delete_button(name) # deletes button which matches name
and here is example
<html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag "jquery" %> <% MarkItUp.buttons = MarkItUp.default_buttons MarkItUp.replace_button(14, { :name => 'Image', :icon => "image", :key => 'P', :replaceWith => '<img src="/path" alt="" />' }) MarkItUp.insert_button(16, { :name => 'Some button', :icon => 'some_icon', :key => 'X', :replaceWith => 'something' }) # insert new button at specific position MarkItUp.insert_button(17, { :separator => '---------------' }) MarkItUp.insert_button({ :name => 'Some other button', :icon => 'some_other_icon', :key => 'Y', :replaceWith => 'something else' }) # insert new button to the end MarkItUp.delete_button(3) MarkItUp.delete_button("Bold") %> <%= mark_it_up '#miu_test' %> </head> <body> <%= form_tag do %> <%= text_area_tag "miu_test" %> <% end %> </body> </html>
See for the complete list of available settings
<html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag "jquery" %> <% miu_settings = MarkItUp.settings miu_settings[:previewParserPath] = "/my/preview/path?layout=home" %> <%= mark_it_up '#miu_test', miu_settings %> </head> <body> <%= form_tag do %> <%= text_area_tag "miu_test" %> <% end %> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> MyNamespace = { someFunction: function() { jQuery.markItUp({ target: '#miu_test', replaceWith: 'text from some function' }); }, someOtherFunction: function() { jQuery.markItUp({ target: '#miu_test', replaceWith: 'text from some other function' }); } } </script> <%= javascript_include_tag "jquery" %> <% MarkItUp.buttons = MarkItUp.default_buttons MarkItUp.insert_button({ :name => 'Some button', :key => 'S', :call => 'MyNamespace.someFunction' }) MarkItUp.insert_button({ :name => 'Some other button', :key => 'O', :call => 'MyNamespace.someOtherFunction' }) %> <%= mark_it_up '#miu_test' %> </head> <body> <%= form_tag do %> <%= text_area_tag "miu_test" %> <% end %> </body> </html>
Here is the example how you can change preview depending which layout you select.
<html> <head> <!-- First we include prototype.js and jquery.js --> <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %> <%= javascript_include_tag "jquery" %> <!-- Then we must make jQuery and Prototype live together --> <script type="text/javascript" > var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); </script> <!-- We define some custom function. We will use MyNamespace.reloadMarkItUp() in our layout select box observer. --> <script type="text/javascript"> MyNamespace = { someFunction: function() { $j.markItUp({ target: '#miu_test', replaceWith: 'text from some function' }); }, someOtherFunction: function() { $j.markItUp({ target: '#miu_test', replaceWith: 'text from some other function' }); }, reloadMarkItUp: function() { $j('#miu_test').markItUpRemove(); $j("#miu_test").markItUp(miuSettings); } } </script> <!-- We load markItUp assets. See vendor/plugins/mark_it_up/lib/mark_it_up/view_helpers.rb --> <%= include_mark_it_up_javascripts %> <%= include_mark_it_up_stylesheets %> <!-- We insert few buttons and chnage preview parser --> <% MarkItUp.buttons = MarkItUp.default_buttons MarkItUp.insert_button({ :name => 'Some button', :key => 'S', :call => 'MyNamespace.someFunction' }) MarkItUp.insert_button({ :name => 'Some other button', :key => 'O', :call => 'MyNamespace.someOtherFunction' }) miu_settings = MarkItUp.settings miu_settings[:previewParserPath] = "/my/preview/path?layout=home;" %> <!-- Settings are assigned to miuSettings so we can access them later in layout observer later --> <script type="text/javascript"> miuSettings = <%= MarkItUp.format_settings(miu_settings) %>; $j(document).ready(function() { $j("#miu_test").markItUp(miuSettings); }); </script> </head> <body> <%= form_tag do %> <%= select_tag "layout", options_for_select(%w(home admin default)) %> <!-- We observe layout select box and so we our preview can use right layout --> <%= observe_field :layout, :function => "miuSettings.previewParserPath='/my/preview/path?layout='+value;MyNamespace.reloadMarkItUp()" %> <%= text_area_tag "miu_test" %> <% end %> </body> </html>
Root relative to [Rails.root]/public (“mark_it_up” by default)
MarkItUp.root = "/path/to/mark_it_up"
See available or place your skin in public/markitup/skins (“markitup” by default) = "my_skin"
Icon that will be used for button if neither :icon => “icon_name” or :className => “class_name” isn’t provided (‘button’ by default)
MarkItUp.default_icon = "my_icon"
To get the list of default settings call
See the list of all available settings at
MarkItUp.setting = mySettingsHash
To get the list of default buttons call
To add your custom list of buttons
MarkItUp.buttons = [ { :name => 'Bold', :icon => 'bold', :key => 'B', :openWith => '(!(<strong>|!|<b>)!)', :closeWith => '(!(</strong>|!|</b>)!)' }, { :name => 'Italic', :icon => 'italic', :key => 'I', :openWith => '(!(<em>|!|<i>)!)', :closeWith => '(!(<em>|!|<i>)!)' }, { :name => 'Stroke through', :icon => 'stroke', :key => 'S', :openWith => '<del>', :closeWith => '</del>' } ]
To insert, replace or delete buttons use MarkItUp.inser_button
, MarkItUp.replace_button
or MarkItUp.delete_button
(see examples)
Find a way to provide function assignment to replaceWith ( replaceWith: function() { return “something from function” } ). Till then use :call => “MyNamespace.myFunction”
Render icons using CSS sprites (one image that contains all icons).
Extend generator to also create view with simple example in app/views/mark_it_up/example.html.erb (Or maybe multiple examples?!).
jQuery Team for jQuery
Jay Salvat for markItUp! plugin
Copyright © 2010 Vlado Cingel, released under the MIT license