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A particle based reaction-diffusion simulation with reversible integration scheme.

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A particle based reaction-diffusion simulation with a reversible integrator, which obeys detailed balance. Revreaddy is mainly a C++ software which is wrapped to be accessible from python. Main purpose of this software is to try out different reaction-diffusion schemes.

This version features:

  • Brownian Dynamics integrator with optional Metropolis-Hastings correction
  • Reactions that allow particle creation/destruction e.g. Fusion reaction A + B <--> C, with forward and backward rates
  • customizable particle types with different radii and diffusion constants
  • two possible repulsion potentials, harmonic repulsion and Lennard-Jones interaction
  • geometric building blocks implemented as single particle potentials, currently repulsive plane "wall" and a double-well potential in one dimension
  • cubic periodic boundary conditions, can be switched off (not recommended)
  • observables which are calculated on the fly and saved to binary (.hdf5/.h5) files or text files (.dat/.txt). These are acceptance, energy, mean-squared-displacement, probability density, radial distribution function, trajectory
  • Neighborlattice force calculation leading to overall complexity O(#particles) (exception when rdf is calculated on the fly)


Linked libraries:

  • GNU scientific libraries (gsl, gslcblas) for random number generation and histogram
  • HDF5 (hdf5, hdf5_hl, H5Cpp) for saving observables to binary file formats
  • Boost for python wrapping, logging and stuff (Boost.python, Boost.log, Boost.system, Boost.filesystem, Boost.multi_array)

Requirements for usage:

  • Python
  • h5py


The way to build this using cmake goes like

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. $CMAKE_FLAGS
$ make -j
$ cd ..

Any user specific configuration goes into the $CMAKE_FLAGS and should be defined beforehand.


Import revreaddy in a python script, e.g.

>>> import revreaddy 
>>> s = revreaddy.Sim()
>>>, timestep=0.1)


A particle based reaction-diffusion simulation with reversible integration scheme.






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