- 🎓 Inha University, Computer Science and Engineering (2019.03 - 2024.08)
- 💻 Hyundai Softeer Bootcamp 2nd, FE (2023.07 - 2023.08)
- 🔥 Naver Boostcamp 9th, Web (2024.06 - 2024.12)
- Pro
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boostcampwm-2024/refactor-web30-stop-troublepainter PublicForked from boostcampwm-2024/web30-stop-troublepainter
[CS 리팩토링] 그림꾼 vs 방해꾼, 한 캔버스에서 펼쳐지는 실시간 드로잉 퀴즈 게임 🎨
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TeamTheGenius/TeamTheGenius_Web PublicIT 업계 종사자를 위한 규칙적인 공부 습관 서비스
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