Frameshift Genomics
- Boston, MA
Javascript local VCF and Tabix index file parsing and processing
a lightweight db framework for exploring genetic variation.
Shortly: a Serverless Pastebin Service - All Data is Stored in the URL
The gkno launcher for executing tools or pipelines
It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
A polyfill for implementing the HTML5 <input type="color"> element in browsers that do not currently support it.
A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications.
chmille4 / thor
Forked from rails/thorA scripting framework that replaces rake and sake
JavaScript object with the user's system information.
Javascript DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) Data Structure
This plugins is intended to wrap the common software used for Next Generation Sequencing data
Bioruby plugin for reading, writing and manipulating assembly data
Intuitive graphical web interface for running BLAST bioinformatics tool (i.e. have your own custom NCBI BLAST site!)
chmille4 / bioperl-live
Forked from bioperl/bioperl-liveCore BioPerl code
JavaScript documentation generator for node using markdown and jsdoc
C++ API & command-line toolkit for working with BAM data