We used Ruby, Sinatra, and Activerecord to build a website that analyzes bike share usage in San Francisco.
Our application collects data by utilizing:
- User input through our web app, on which a user can enter trip/station/weather information
2) CSV files with historical information for stations, trips, and weather
We started by analyzing the data from each table (stations, trips, and weather) seperately and then used their relationships to make connections and draw hypotheses based on what we found. Google maps is used to visually display available bike station locations & proximity.
The conditions table allows you to dynamically set the range and type of data to be displayed.
Run these commands in this order:
git clone https://github.com/DavidKnott/bike-share.git
cd bike-share
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails db:test:prepare
To launch the project on local host, start up the rails server and visit the root path.
rails s
Run rspec from the command line:
- Git/GitHub
- Waffle.io
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Sinatra and ERB templates
- ActiveRecord
- PostgreSQL
- Rspec
- Capybara
- Project was built using the entire San Fran Bikeshare dataset. However, due to limits on database entries in a free Heroku app, not all the data was seeded. Expect to see some null fields in the data analysis.