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Middlebox Development Environment


  • Install docker and make sure that docker compose is available. The docker-compose.yml file is in the root folder of the project.
  • It is strongly suggested that you install VSCode and Docker extension thereof.
  • Have a GitHub account


You can access the public GitHub project at

Fork the project and clone your forked project into your working directory, say workspace


The project has GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007. Please comply with this license.

Running the development environment

  • Enter the working directory cd workspace; code .
  • Open a terminal and run docker compose up -d
  • A couple of containers will be run and you will be able to see the containers in the docker extension of vscode.
  • Right clicking on a container will help you open a terminal to any container
    • sec models a secure network (a single host)
    • insec models an insecure network (a single host)
    • mitm models the man-in-the-middle box.
    • go-process models the packet processing logic.
    • python-process models the packet processing logic.

Modelled Environment

The environment model is as follows.

graph TD;
  • Under the code folder, there are specific folders to the sec, insec, mitm and go-process and python-processor containers. These folders are there to make your coding persist even when you stop your containers. Please create a folder under the code folder with a meaningful, easy-to-understand and brief name.
  • Create a folder using the same folder name in the root folder of the project and create a Dockerfile. An example is provided in ./dockers/go-processor or in ./dockers/python-processor. The Dockerfile has to set the workdir correctly for convenience and you have to install the development environment specific to the programming language of your choice. Do not forget to install the NATS development modules or packages.
  • Add a new service to the docker-compose.yml. An example is there for the go-processor or python-processor.
  • We use NATS as the message broker. NATS supports various programing languages (C, Python, Go, Rust, Java, Ruby, etc.).
  • The mitm container works inline, i.e., the packet is captured, processed (by the processor container(s)) and then forwarded. You have to explicity, push the Ethernet frame or frames using NATS to the correct out* topics that will be captured by the mitm container and forwared to a network indicated by the topic name.
  • The mitm publishes the captured Ethernet frames on two topics and listens on two topics:
    • Published topics
      • inpktsec: This topic is used to publish an Ethernet frame that comes from the secure network to the mitm.
      • inpktinsec: This topic is used to publish an Ethernet frame that comes from the insecure network to the mitm.
    • Subscribed topics
      • outpktsec: If you generated Ethernet frames (only Ethernet is supported) to be forwarded to the secure network, please publish from your processor using this topic.
      • outpktinsec: If you generated an Ethernet frame (only Ethernet is supported) to be forwarded to the insecure network, please publish from your processor using this topic.
  • Your processor has to subscribe to inpktsec and inpktinsec topics for processing up-stream (secure to insecure) and down-stream (insecure to secure) Ethernet frames.
  • When you want to forward the Ethernet frame(s) to the host on the secure network, publish the Ethernet frame using the topic, outpktsec.
  • When you want to forward the Ethernet frame(s) to the host on the insecure network, publish the Ethernet frame using the topic, outpktinsec.

Packet from Secure Network to Insecure Network

Based on this architecture, any Ethernet frame originated from the secure network (SEC) is first captured by the Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) container. Routing is disabled by default. A simple switch code has to be started in this container, you have to explicitly start it inside the container. Note that, the interfaces of the MITM has MAC/IP addresses, that is why the MITM is not transparent. MITM publishes the Ethernet frame to inpktsec topic using NATS. We expect that the PROCESSOR have had subscribed to this topic in advance. It will process the Ethernet frame (e.g., add delay, change some fields, or even multiple new Ethernet frames can be generated) and then publishes the Ethernet frame to the outpktinsec topic to help MITM to forward the packet to the insecure network. You can also publish using outpktsec but this may not work as expected if the MAC addresses are not adjusted correctly. The processor, in general, does not have to deal with the MAC addresses; the MITM will set the correct destionation MAC address based on the topic it receives the Ethernet frame(s) published by the PROCESSOR. Note that, you can form a chain of processors by yourself, by creating new NATS topics; as expected, the last PROCESSOR in the chain should propagate the Ethernet frame back to MITM so that it can switch it.


    participant SEC
    participant MITM
    participant PROCESSOR
    participant INSEC
    rect rgb(241, 192, 217)
    loop An Ethernet packet from secure to insecure network
        SEC->>MITM: Ethernet frame
        activate MITM
        MITM->>PROCESSOR: Publish Ethernet Frame
        deactivate MITM
        activate PROCESSOR
        Note right of MITM: publish using <br/>inpktsec topic
        PROCESSOR->>PROCESSOR: Process the Ethernet frame
        PROCESSOR->>MITM: Publish new Ethernet frame(s)
        deactivate PROCESSOR
        activate MITM
        Note right of MITM: publish using <br/>outpktinsec topic
        MITM->>INSEC: Forward the new Ethernet frame
        deactivate MITM

Packet from Insecure to Secure Network

A packet may originate from the insecure network to the secure network. The same operation is conducted in reverse direction.


    participant SEC
    participant MITM
    participant PROCESSOR
    participant INSEC
   rect rgb(204, 239, 189)
    loop An Ethernet packet from insecure to secure network
        INSEC->>MITM: Ethernet frame
        activate MITM
        MITM->>PROCESSOR: Publish Ethernet Frame
        deactivate MITM
        activate PROCESSOR
        Note right of MITM: publish using <br/>inpktsec topic
        PROCESSOR->>PROCESSOR: Process the Ethernet frame
        PROCESSOR->>MITM: Publish new Ethernet frame(s)
        deactivate PROCESSOR
        activate MITM
        Note right of MITM: publish using <br/>outpktinsec topic
        MITM->>SEC: Forward the new Ethernet frame
        deactivate MITM

An Example Usage Scenario

First start the docker containers using docker compose up -d. You can develop your code on your host machine in the code folder.

An example usage scenario is as follows, after starting the containers using docker compose up -d you can

  • Start a shell to the mitm container: docker exec -it middlebox-mitm-1 /bin/bash or right click on the container name in the docker extension of vscode, and then click 'Attach Shell'. make clean makeand ./switchwill help you recompile the switch code and run it. Let this container run.

  • In another terminal, start a shell to your processor (vscode docker extension can also be used to attach a shell), e.g., go-processor docker exec -it middlebox-go-processor-1 /bin/bash and start your processor code; e.g., go run main.go. Note that the processor learns the NATS url using an environment variable NATS_SURVEYOR_SERVERS, let your docker-compose.yaml pass the environment variable to the container.

  • In another terminal, attach a shell to the sec container middlebox-sec-1 and run code packet generator code; e.g., ping insec. The IP addresses are already inserted in the /etc/hosts.

  • The go-processorjusts prints the Ethernet frame and publishes it back to the mitm for switching.

  • Note that you can run anything on the sec and insec containers. Even you can change the container to run Kali.


The following sources are leveraged for building this project: