Follow instruction from github to get the repository
To install last version of the exporter go in user preference, then 'Install from File' in the Add-ons tab with the zip from
needs to inject the path to exporter modules into PYTHONPATH. The injection is done by reading the value of the BlenderExporter
environment variable (see
$ BlenderExporter="/path-to-osgexport/blender-2.5/exporter" \
blender -b "input.blend" \
-P "${BlenderExporter}/osg/" \
-- --output="output.osgt" \
[--apply-modifiers] [--enable-animation] [--json-materials] [--enable-animation] \
[--bake-all] [--bake-quaternions]
Open an issue and send a minimal blender file that produce the problem.
To run tests:
mkdir tests && cd tests
cmake ../ -DBLENDER:FILEPATH="/my/path/to/blender" -DTEST=ON
make # runs test building osgt files for models in blender-2.xx/data/
make test # runs python test located in blender-2.xx/test/
To troubleshoot python tests: ctest --debug
or ctest --output-on-failure