To better maintain the Axlsx ecosystem, all related gems have been forked or moved to the following community organization:
This gem provides automatic OOXML (xlsx) downloads for Active Admin resources. It lets you harness the full power of Axlsx when you want to but for the most part just stays out of your way and adds a link next to the csv download for xlsx (Excel/numbers/Libre Office/Google Docs)
Add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'activeadmin-axlsx'
All resource index views will now include a link for XLSX download
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.i18n_scope = [:active_record, :models, :posts]
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.column('author_name') do |resource|
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.header_style = { :bg_color => 'FF0000',
:fg_color => 'FF' }
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.delete_columns :id, :created_at, :updated_at
Everything that you do with the config'd default builder can be done via the resource DSL.
Below is an example of the DSL
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
# i18n_scope and header style are set via options
xlsx(:i18n_scope => [:active_admin, :axlsx, :post],
:header_style => {:bg_color => 'FF0000', :fg_color => 'FF' }) do
# Specify that you want to white list column output.
# whitelist
# Do not serialize the header, only output data.
# skip_header
# deleting columns from the report
delete_columns :id, :created_at, :updated_at
# adding a column to the report
column(:author) { |resource| "#{} #{}" }
# creating a chart and inserting additional data with after_filter
after_filter { |sheet|
sheet.add_row []
sheet.add_row ['Author Name', 'Number of Posts']
data = []
labels = []
User.all.each do |user|
data << user.posts.size
labels << "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"
sheet.add_row [labels.last, data.last]
chart_color = %w(88F700 279CAC B2A200 FD66A3 F20062 C8BA2B 67E6F8 DFFDB9 FFE800 B6F0F8)
sheet.add_chart(::Axlsx::Pie3DChart, :title => "post by author") do |chart|
chart.add_series :data => data, :labels => labels, :colors => chart_color
chart.start_at 4, 0
chart.end_at 7, 20
# iserting data with before_filter
before_filter do |sheet|
sheet.add_row ['Created',]
sheet.add_row []
Running specs for this gem requires that you construct a rails application. To execute the specs, navigate to the gem directory, then run bundle install and run these two rake tasks:
bundle exec rake setup
bundle exec rake
Originally created by Randy Morgan - @randym
Forked in 2019, to enable the community to maintain the Axlsx ecosystem -
Open source software is a community effort. None of this could have been done without the help of our Contributors.