For the impatient, here is a screenshot (NOTE: my terminal is set up to embellish bold text with light orange and italic with dark orange which is..uncommon at best.):
Getting an lc
config going should be as easy as (on Debian):1
apt install nim #( has other options)
nimble install lc
though the Nim experience can sometimes have fairly rough-hewn edges. Worst case you can just build the nim compiler from source in a large one-liner that takes a minute or two.2
One maybe interesting 2-level sort-colorized listing (etc/lc has details) is:
~/.nimble/bin/lc -oDd /dev
If you like lc
, you may also like procs
This program is not and never will be a drop-in replacement for ls
at the CLI
option compatibility level. ls
is a poorly factored mishmash of selection,
sorting, and formatting options. With fewer CLI options (but beefier configs)
is many-fold more flexible. It can create similar output, but my main
impetus to write lc
was always a better functionality factoring not mere
recapitulation. So, lc
is not just "ls in Nim". If you want ls
, it has
big companies supporting it & isn't going anywhere.
is also not stat
or find
. Those have their roles for spot-checking or
generating program-consumed data streams. lc
is about human-friendly output,
helping you see and/or create organization you want in your file sets and shine
light on unexpected things as you go about everyday business listing your files.
As such, absolute max performance is not a priority as human reaction time is
not so fast & very large directories are usually ill-advised.
Enough disclaimers about what lc
is not. What is lc
? Why do we need
yet another file lister? What's the point? Well, lc
is clearly factored & very configurable with good CLI ergonomics (unique prefixes good enough, spellcheck, built-in aliasing system for user styles (option packages, really), etc.)
supports multi-level sorting for many forward/reverse attributes (NOTE longest/shortest file extensions are one BUT foo-nums-with-'.'s...tar.gz type names with internal field structure make certain sorts ill-posed.)3
supports arbitrary assignment of "file kind order" for use in sorting (note how, in the screenshot, dot-directories precede dot files precede directories precede regular files)
supports kind/type-vectors for multi-dimensional ideas, including text attribute layers and "icon vectors" (for utf8 "icons", anyway)
supports from nanosecond file times to very abbreviated ages
has value-dependent coloring for file times, sizes, permissions, etc.
can emit "hyperlink" escape codes to make entries clickable in some terminals
supports file/user/group/link target abbreviation via
, etc. -
supports "local tweak files" - extra config options in a local
in a shadow tree under a user's control if needed). Nice to eg, avoid NFS automounts or inversely to engage expensive classification, for dirs with special sorts, formats, .. -
supports "theming" (operationally, environ-variable-keyed cfg includes)
supports latter-day Linux statx/b)irth times
deep file inspection-based classification (though using this with large directories can be woefully slow) -
is extensible with fully user-defined file type tests & field formats
With so many features you might think lc
is huge, but it is also compact
(~900 non-comment/blank lines; ~300 is just code dispatch tables & help, ~650 in
cligen/[tab, humanUt, abbrev]
might be in lc
had I not done both pkgs) with
only cligen
and the Nim stdlib as dependencies.
The trickiest idea is (likely) "multi-dimensional". I mean this in an abstract "INDEPENDENT coordinate" sense not a Jurassic Park (1993)-esque IRIX fsn graphical file browser sense. Examples of slots/dimensions/attributes may help.
In the screenshot at the top of this text, "foo.c" and "bar.c" are both source
code files (highlighted green) and hard-links (underlined) to each other.
Similarly, "/tmp/root" is a directory - so it is WHITE on_blue
- but
inaccessible to the user running lc
and so "struck through" text. This all
matters since listing files is often a precursor to acting upon them.
Most any terminal can set text fore- & background colors independently. I happen to like st for its hackability. That can also bold, italic, blink, underline, struck, and inverse independently. (Color inversion involves a mapping too complex to be a very useful visual aid.) So, 8 usable output dimensions, 6 shallow 1-bit dimensions + fg/bg color with larger value ranges. While subjective, I find it not hard to distinguish text with all those attributes varying. Geographical map folk often call this "layers" (such as political borders layered atop satellite imagery). Lately, kitty/patched-st/etc. have true color undercurls instead of just underlines (sometimes of varying styles like wavy/triangular), adding another deep (like fore/background) output dimension/layer.
The input/data side has many independent fields & bits. While dirent.d_type
is a mutually exclusive type code (like directory/named pipe/..), most types
aren't. E.g., a file can be both an executable regular file and
some kind of script source or both a directory and a directory with a sticky bit
set. Independently of all that, it can begin with a '.' or not. Add all of
struct stat
and deep file header inspection and the type space explodes both
in kinds & independent sub-kinds/dimensions (stripped|not, 32|64-bit, etc.).
Only end users can prioritize use of precious few output layers to represent the
much larger space of input kinds.
This may sound daunting, but other highlighting systems follow this model - e.g.
a misspelled word bolded inside an elsewise colorized source code comment. lc
simply explicitly models this structure to try to enable better allocation by
end users over more dimensions than just 2 (misspelling, comment) due to diverse
file types. Most briefly, lc
aids "aligning" rendered output traits with
classified input traits.4
As for the bread and butter of file listing, many things that are hard-coded in
other file listers are fully user-defined in lc
, like a concept of dot files.
Assuming you define a "dot" or "dotfile" type lc -xdot
will probably exclude
those from a listing. (Unique prefixes being adequate may mean a longer string
if you define other file kinds with names starting with "dot".)
I usually have an alias that does -xdot
and a related one ending with an "a"
that does not. That mimics ls
usage. If the listing is well organized,
seeing dot files by default may be considered as much a feature as a bug.
Including everything by default lets "dot" be user-defined.
You can also do -idot
to list only the dot files (or any other user/system
defined file kind) which is not something available in most file listers. It's
also not always easy to replicate via shell globbing the input list. Eg., lc -r0 -idir -iodd
in my config can be illuminating on very aged file trees.
Multi-level sorting and user format strings are similar ideas to other tools
like the Linux ps
, stat -c
, and find -printf
. Sorting by file kind is
possible and "kind order" is user-configurable. Between kind order assignment
and multi-dimensionality you can filter & group almost any way that makes sense,
and none of that needs any hacking on lc
proper - just your configuration.
Less can be more with good factoring. lc
is more an "ls
Because of all that flexibility, lc
has a built in style/aliasing system.
This lets you name canned queries & reports and refer to them, like lc -sl
My view is that there is no one-size-fits-all-or-even-most long-format listing.
ls -sl
or a shorter ll='lc -sl'
alias is the way to go. Then you can make
columns included (and their order
, --header
or not, ..) all just how you
like. I usually like 5 levels of long-ness, not 2, in my personal setup in
(& files included there).
A feature I don't know of any terminal file listers using is abbreviation (GUIs
have this, though and PowerShell9k/10k in single-path prompt contexts). Most
everyone has probably been annoyed at one time or another by some pesky few
overlong filenames in a directory messing up column widths in a file listing.
lc -m16
lets you limit displayed length to 16 (or whatever) characters.
replaces the (user-definable) "middle slice" with a user-definable string.
While you can use some UTF8 ellipsis, you probably want *
since that choice
will make most abbreviations copy-pasteable shell patterns.
Manual width & slice selection may not result in patterns that expand uniquely,
but lc
has you covered with a variety of automatic abbreviation options that
are unique: specified head|tail, mid-point (for those 2 just leave "," fields
blank), unique best-common-point (start width with "a"), unique prefix (-2) or
suffix (-3), the shorter *fix (-4), the shortest 1-star-anywhere (-5) and
shortest 2-star (-6). E.g.,
(or see a bigger example )
There are similar -U
, -G
, -M
for user user names, group names, and symlink
targets. While shells will not expand *
in user/group names, you can change
the separator to something else or even the empty string to save terminal
columns as in -U4,,,
and have a little grep <PASTE> /etc/passwd
Auto modes are not yet available for symlink targets since when they matter most they are a bit expensive (requiring minimizing patterns over whole directories for every path component).
In many little ways, lc
tries hard to let you manage terminal real estate,
targeting max information per row, while staying within an easy to visually
parse table format. Features along these lines are terse 4 column octal
permission codes, rounding to 3-column file ages, 4 column file sizes.
If it is too dense, you can have fewer, more spaced out columns with lc -n4
similar. If it is too sparse, you can use -m
, drop format fields or
identify the most effective rename targets with lc -w5 -W$((COLUMNS+10))
shows the widest 5 files in each output column formatted as if you had 10 more
terminal cols. A hard-to-advocate-but-possible way to save space is lc -oL
Try it. { I suspect this minimizes rows within a table constraint, but the proof
is too small to fit in the margin. ;-) Maybe a 2D bin packing expert can weigh
in with a counter example. }
In the other direction, lc
supports informational bonuses like ns-resolution
file times with %1..%9
extensions to the strftime
format language for
fractions of a second to that many places, rate of disk utilization
= allocated/addressable file bytes), newer Linux
attributes and birth times, and more.
also comes with boolean logic combiners for file kind tests, many built-in
tests, and is extensible for totally user-defined tests and formats. If there's
just a thing or two missing then you can likely add it without much work. Given
human reading time and fast NVMe devices, even doing "du -s" inside a format is
not unthinkable, though unlikely to be a popular default style. Hard-coding Git
support seems popular these days. I don't do that yet. I'm not sure I want a
direct dependency, but you may be able to hack something together.
You may need
changes. Orman -l path/to/lc.1
can work. ↩ -
git clone; git clone; git clone; cd Nim; sh; cd ../lc; ../Nim/bin/nim c -d=danger -p=../cligen lc; cp -pr configs/cb0 $HOME/.config/lc; ./lc
↩ -
E.g. if you have a dir with foo-1.2.3.tar.gz foo-2.1.0.tar.xz then you may want to sort by the longest "extension" (E) while if you have a file set like in then you probably want to sort by the shortest extension (e). You can pick one default and then dump a
"tweak file" into whichever is the other kind of directory to change the sort. Since directories like/usr/lib64/
may be unwritable (so
can be put),--extra
has a mode to reference a "shadow file tree" for such so that every user on a system can have their own per-file-subtree tweaks. ↩ -
Operationally, users just pick small integer labels for kinds aka series of order-dependent tests aka classes. The first passing kind test within a dimension wins that dimension. To aid debugging kind assignments you can do things like
lc -f%0%1%2%3%4%5\ %f
to see coordinates in the first 6 dims. The inspiration for this system was having "dot-file directories" sorted in a block before all dot regular files, but it is obviously much more general. ↩