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Glide 4.6.0

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@sjudd sjudd released this 01 Feb 16:59
· 821 commits to master since this release

This is the January release of Glide.


  • Use buffered streams when writing Bitmap data (860f7d0)
  • Allow re-using ARGB_8888 and RGBA_F16 Bitmaps via re-configuration (2cd953c, 17e0943)


  • Return the correct size of RGBA_F16 Bitmaps in Util.getBitmapByteSize to avoid obtaining incorrectly sized Bitmaps for re-use in Downsampler (a198ef6)
  • Avoid converting RGBA_F16 Bitmaps to ARGB_8888 when running transformations that add transparent pixels (73277df)
  • Avoid an exception when loading remote images that aren't yet in the cache as Files with DiskCacheStrategy.AUTOMATIC (0917ef3, #2824)
  • Avoid inefficiently trying identical parts of load paths multiple times (9d3a6ff, thanks to paulsowden@)

Behavior Changes

  • Wide gamut PNGs that were decoded as RGBA_F16 even when BitmapFactory’s inConfig was set to ARGB_8888 may be affected by improved handling of RGBA_F16 when decoding and transforming images. If you see any issues decoding or transforming PNGs on Android O or higher, please file an issue so we can investigate.

Breaking Changes

  • Added correct Nullable annotations to all generated classes (35f6a0a, thanks to @SUPERCILEX)
  • Added correct Nullable annotations to RequestManager and other manager classes (bfa237c, thanks to @SUPERCILEX)
  • Add Nullable annotations to the load package (e9f682f, thanks to @SUPERCILEX)

Build Changes

  • Cut build times for Glide by around a factor of two by parallelizing static analysis and unit test tasks on the main library package and removing the redundant release variants across all modules (3968ccb, 1c7434a, 3af80f4, 95637cf)