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Glide 4.0.0 RC0

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@sjudd sjudd released this 17 May 18:07
· 1331 commits to master since this release


There are too many changes to list individually, but here's a few highlights:

  • New documentation that users can contribute to by submitting pull requests to Glide's gh-pages branch.
  • A new extensible generated API that allows you to easily customize Glide's fluent API by adding new types or custom option sets.
  • Substantially simplified types for individual requests that ensure that options are consistently available and easy to use even if you're loading different types of resources.
  • A variety of performance improvements, including a substantial reduction in garbage when downsampling images, a more intelligent default disk cache strategy, and improved performance when loading GIFs.
  • Improved handling of View sizes and layouts, especially in RecyclerView.


Glide 4.0 is used internally by a variety of teams at Google and the library is considered stable internally. I expect that there will be more external users who may uncover issues that haven't come up internally. As a result I'm releasing this as an RC. If we don't uncover significant issues with stability or in the API, I expect a non-RC release shortly.

Release schedule.

Glide has had a rather haphazard approach to releases in the past, largely because I maintain Glide mostly in my free time. Going forward we're going to try to provide regular releases:

  • Releases will go out once a month, around the 15th (the exact date may vary a bit)
  • Releases will be skipped only if no changes have been since the previous release.
  • Releases may include breaking API changes without a major version change.

The third bullet point will help bridge the gap between how Glide is maintained inside and outside of Google and enable more regular releases.