Orca manages people and activity subscriptions.
To launch the development environment there are two options.
cd project-dir
docker-compose up
Once you have started the containers, you can access a CLI inside the running docker containers by executing the following command:
docker-compose exec app ash
To speed up the development the webpacker dev server can be launched using the following command
docker-compose exec app /app/bin/webpacker-dev-server
To run the migrations run:
docker-compose exec app bin/rails db:migrate
Open the folder in VS Code and click on "open in Devcontainer". Once up start the development servers with those commands:
You'll need to initialize the database. This can be accomplished by running:
bin/rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
docker-compose run app bin/rspec
or much faster (if you already have started a container)
docker-compose exec app bin/rspec
docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml build production
ENVs that have to be set:
ENVs that have to be set:
- MIDATA_BASE_URL: The base-url of the hitobito instance to connect to
- MIDATA_USER_EMAIL: The email of the user to connect as
- MIDATA_USER_TOKEN: The token of the user to connect as (not the password). Refer to https://github.com/hitobito/hitobito/blob/master/doc/development/05_rest_api.md
- ROOT_CAMP_UNIT_ID_WOLF: The ID of the root Wolfstufen-Lager
- ROOT_CAMP_UNIT_ID_PFADI: The ID of the root Pfadistufen-Lager
- ROOT_CAMP_UNIT_ID_PIO: The ID of the root Piostufen-Lager
- ROOT_CAMP_UNIT_ID_PTA: The ID of the root Pta-Lager
We use ActiveStorage to store files. To set it up in production use these ENV-Variables:
- User (
) - Admin (
) - Programm (
)- Activity, Tag, Category
- TN Administration (
)- Unit, Participant, Leader
- Editor (
)- Activity
# Get the first user
bin/rails c
user = User.first
user.role_admin = true
# or
user.update(role_admin: true)
user.update(role_programm: false)
bin/rails r "PullNewCampUnitsJob.perform_now"
# Fetch all CampUnits from MiData
bin/rails r "PullAllCampUnitsJob.perform_now"
puts InvoiceExporter.new.export
docker-compose run bin/rails r 'puts InvoiceExporter.new.export; STDOUT.flush' > tmp/export.csv
Translations are sanitized with i18n-tasks. Some important commands:
bin/bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize
ordocker-compose exec app bin/bundle exec i18n-tasks normalize
bin/bundle exec i18n-tasks health
ordocker-compose exec app bin/bundle exec i18n-tasks health
When running the docker containers on Windows one common error is that the ports cannot be assigned, because they are used by hyper-v. Using the following commands should resolve this issue:
net stop winnat
docker-compose up
net start winnat