is a simple project to watch external data stores and detect changes to keys and signal change in the
- Consul
- Redis [Todo]
- Aerospike [Todo]
- Postgres [Todo]
// Import relevant packages
import (
// Setup Datastore configurations
config := &consul.Config{
Address: "localhost:8500", // Consul address
Config: common.Config{
PollInterval: 1 * time.Second, // Polling Interval
CloseTimeout: 5 * time.Second, // Close Timeout
// Create consul watcher
watcher, err := consul.NewWatcher(config)
if err != nil ...
// Watch for changes by calling Wact(context, key) which returns a chanl of type []byte.
// Values are sent down the chanl only when changes are detected
// You can also watch for multiple keys on the same watcher
go func() {
for byteSlice := range watcher.Watch(context.Background(), "a/b/c/d") {
// use byteSlice
go func() {
for byteSlice := range watcher.Watch(context.Background(), "test_key") {
// use byteSlice
// or watch for the same key at multiple places, by calling watch with the same
// key multiple times
// Finally, close the watcher when shutting down
err := watcher.Close()
if err != nil ...
Docker is a prerequisite to test consul integrations
- From the project folder, setup docker containers
docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up --detach
- Once your containers have started, you can import some sample values
curl --request PUT --data-binary "@./docker/sample1.json"
curl --request PUT --data-binary "@./docker/sample2.json"
- You can verify if your keys have been imported into consul by visiting
- Run the test
, withoutt.Skip()
to verify
- Export Metrics