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A small utility for finding fission chain yields of elements.

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Chain Yield Finder

Are you looking to find what kind of elements are most common in fission byproducts? Have you realized that is missing a gazillion isotopes? Look no further, as this project hopes to solve that question.

The chain yield of an isotope (or element) is its fission yield after the fission byproducts have had a certain amount of time to decay. This figure can be especially useful for determining the composition of spent nuclear fuel, as might be required for research for a video game or an article. This project can be used to (approximately) calculate these chain yields and output them for various common fission reactions.

How to use

If you don't see your preferred data in the tables below, you will have to build this yourself. You can download this git repository and run the below command (I think):

javac -classpath . src/main/java/

Alternatively, you could build it using an available Java IDE.

Once you get your jar file from the build output, you can run it like this:

java -jar (the jar here) (isotope name, like (and defaulting to) "235u") (measurement year (defaulting to 2))

The isotopes you can currently use are (according to 232th or 233u or 235u or 238u or 237np or 239pu or 241pu or 241am. Bug them if you want more, but politely, please.

It might prompt you occasionally to give the symbol of certain elements (although this is pretty rare now). Make sure you give the right symbol for the element! You may also see a log for a decay mode not being implemented, if you choose a particularly exotic fissionable isotope to start with. If so, just send an issue here.

It may take up to a few minutes to get the results on the first time, as at least a hundred CSV files will be downloaded from the API. Afterwards, it will output a table of fission yields into the console. These yields will add up to just under 2, which is fine, since you get, well, two atoms per fission, and the extremely rare fission byproducts have been filtered out.


These have all been calculated using this utility.


Element Symbol Fission Yield (2 Years) Fission Yield (31 Years)
H 0.000097 0.000019
He 0.001711 0.001789
Se 0.005055 0.005055
Br 0.001840 0.001840
Kr 0.047378 0.038116
Rb 0.027455 0.036717
Sr 0.090214 0.062869
Y 0.046984 0.046969
Zr 0.312708 0.340043
Nb 0.000029 0.000000
Mo 0.244724 0.244777
Tc 0.061318 0.061312
Ru 0.114259 0.113209
Rh 0.031015 0.031015
Pd 0.014444 0.015494
Ag 0.000170 0.000170
Cd 0.000224 0.000224
Sn 0.000604 0.000604
Sb 0.000000 0.000000
Te 0.020873 0.020873
I 0.008110 0.008109
Xe 0.214957 0.214957
Cs 0.190205 0.161984
Ba 0.069914 0.098134
La 0.063342 0.063342
Ce 0.130974 0.121733
Pr 0.058469 0.058469
Nd 0.197249 0.206490
Pm 0.013308 0.000006
Sm 0.026693 0.039170
Eu 0.001621 0.002299
Gd 0.000050 0.000197


Element Symbol Fission Yield (2 Years) Fission Yield (31 Years)
H 0.000127 0.000025
He 0.002205 0.002307
Se 0.003918 0.003918
Br 0.001723 0.001723
Kr 0.020387 0.016145
Rb 0.010310 0.014552
Sr 0.032207 0.022598
Y 0.016783 0.016777
Zr 0.187172 0.196769
Nb 0.000022 0.000000
Mo 0.229152 0.229192
Tc 0.061856 0.061850
Ru 0.193911 0.183185
Rh 0.069455 0.069455
Pd 0.146052 0.156777
Ag 0.016594 0.016594
Cd 0.005497 0.005497
In 0.000247 0.000247
Sn 0.005691 0.005676
Sb 0.001804 0.001151
Te 0.037088 0.037756
I 0.018562 0.018562
Xe 0.227601 0.227601
Cs 0.206410 0.175809
Ba 0.064938 0.095538
La 0.059650 0.059650
Ce 0.109386 0.103039
Pr 0.052022 0.052021
Nd 0.156851 0.163199
Pm 0.012177 0.000006
Sm 0.036614 0.047257
Eu 0.005172 0.005429
Gd 0.002512 0.003783
Tb 0.000116 0.000116


Element Symbol Fission Yield (2 Years) Fission Yield (31 Years)
H 0.000126 0.000025
He 0.001875 0.001976
Se 0.001359 0.001359
Br 0.000474 0.000474
Kr 0.015817 0.012791
Rb 0.008344 0.011370
Sr 0.024435 0.017281
Y 0.012203 0.012198
Zr 0.145526 0.152670
Nb 0.000017 0.000000
Mo 0.191712 0.191744
Tc 0.056141 0.056136
Ru 0.204132 0.188905
Rh 0.065330 0.065330
Pd 0.227287 0.242513
Ag 0.029637 0.029637
Cd 0.010464 0.010464
In 0.001130 0.001130
Sn 0.007716 0.007691
Sb 0.003548 0.002104
Te 0.028653 0.030122
I 0.018305 0.018305
Xe 0.220748 0.220748
Cs 0.196190 0.167065
Ba 0.067017 0.096141
La 0.059414 0.059414
Ce 0.111943 0.104989
Pr 0.048944 0.048944
Nd 0.166104 0.173059
Pm 0.013426 0.000006
Sm 0.042398 0.054139
Eu 0.005309 0.005707
Gd 0.006158 0.007438
Tb 0.001117 0.001117
Dy 0.001230 0.001230


A small utility for finding fission chain yields of elements.






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