is a tool that identifies genomic locations where double-strand
breaks have occurred followed by telomere addition. It was initially designed
and validated for studying the process of Programmed DNA Elimination in
nematodes, but should work for other clades and applications too.
For details on rationale or to credit the tool, please read/cite the associated paper:
Letcher, B., (2025). delfies: a Python package for the detection of DNA breakpoints with neo-telomere addition. Journal of Open Source Software, 10(105), 7385,
takes as input a genome fasta (gzipped supported) and an indexed SAM/BAM of
sequencing reads aligned to the genome.
delfies --help
samtools index <aligned_reads>.bam
delfies <genome>.fa.gz <aligned_reads>.bam <output_dir>
cat <output_dir>/breakpoint_locations.bed
For how to obtain a suitable SAM/BAM, see input data, and for
downloading a real genome and BAMs for a test run of delfies
, see test run.
Using pip
(or equivalent - poetry, etc.):
# Install latest release from PyPI
pip install delfies
# Or install a specific release from PyPI:
pip install delfies==0.8.0
# Or clone and install tip of main
git clone
pip install ./delfies
is designed to work with both Illumina short reads and ONT or PacBio
long reads. Long reads are better for finding breakpoints in more repetitive
regions of the genome. A high fraction of sequenced bases with a quality >Q20
is desirable (e.g. >70%). I found delfies
worked on recent data from all three
sequencing technologies: see test run below.
To produce a SAM/BAM with which you can find breakpoints, you need to use a read
aligner that reports soft clips (parts of a reads that are not aligned to the
reference). Both bowtie2
(in --local
mode) and minimap2
(by default) do this.
Use minimap2
for long reads (>300bp), with the appropriate preset (e.g. -x map-ont
for Nanopore data).
I provide a processed subset of publicly-available data here:
The data consist of a 2kbp region of the assembled genome of Oscheius onirici
and three alignment BAMs from sequencing data produced using Illumina, ONT and
PacBio. The data were aligned to the 2kbp region using minimap2
. See the
Zenodo link for details on the sequencing data (read lengths, error rates) and
public links to the raw data.
You can run delfies
on the inputs in this archive to make sure it is properly
installed and produces the expected outputs:
tar xf delfies_zenodo_test_data.tar.gz
# Run delfies; for example, having defined genome, bam and odirname variables:
delfies --threads 16 \
--telo_forward_seq TTAGGC \
--breakpoint_type all \
--min_mapq 20 \
--min_supporting_reads 6 \
${genome} ${bam} ${odirname}
# Compare with the expected outputs:
find delfies_zenodo_test_data -name "*breakpoint_locations.bed" | xargs cat
delfies --help
- Do use the
option if you have multiple cores/CPUs available. - [Breakpoints]
- There are two types of breakpoints: see detailed docs.
- Nearby breakpoints can be clustered together to account for variability in breakpoint location (
- [Region selection]: You can select a specific region to focus on, specified as a string or as a BED file.
- [Telomeres]
- Specify the telomere sequence for your organism using
. If you're unsure, I recommend the tool telomeric-identifier for finding out.
- Specify the telomere sequence for your organism using
- [Aligned reads]
- To analyse confidently-aligned reads only, you can filter reads by MAPQ (
) and by bitwise flag (--read_filter_flag
). - You can tolerate more or less mutations in the assembly telomeres (and in the sequencing reads) using
- To analyse confidently-aligned reads only, you can filter reads by MAPQ (
The two main outputs of delfies
: a BED-formatted file containing the location of identified elimination breakpoints.breakpoint_sequences.fasta
: a FASTA-formatted file containing the sequences of identified elimination breakpoints
I highly recommend visualising your results! E.g., by loading your input
fasta and BAM and output delfies
' output breakpoint_locations.bed
Confident/true breakpoints will typically have:
- Good read support. Note that breakpoints are ordered by read support in the
output filebreakpoint_locations.bed
, and you can require a minimum number of supporting reads using the CLI option--min_supporting_reads
. - A difference in read coverage before and after the breakpoint. The nature of this difference depends on the ratio between cells with and without the breakpoint. As an example, in organisms that eliminate parts of their genome in the soma, if most sequenced cells are from the soma, expect more reads before the breakpoint than after it ('before' and 'after' defined relative to the reported breakpoint strand).
Ultimately though, only biological experiments can truly validate identified breakpoints.
- The fasta output enables looking for sequence motifs that occur at breakpoints, e.g. using MEME.
- The BED output enables classifying a genome into retained and eliminated regions. The 'strand' of breakpoints is especially useful for this: see detailed docs.
- The BED output also enables assembling past somatic telomeres: for how to do this, see detailed docs.
For more details on delfies
, including outputs and applications, see detailed_docs.
Contributions always welcome!
Please see for how (reporting issues, requesting
features, contributing code). This document includes instructions on how to run
' unit and functional tests.