DQN applied to a navigation task
An agent is trained to navigate a square world. A reward of +1 is returned for collecting a yellow banana, while a score of -1 is returned for collecting a blue banana. The state space is 37 dimensions, containing the velocity and perception of the agent's forward direction. The action space is in 4 discrete dimensions, being move forward, backward, turn left, and turn right. An average score of +13 over 100 consecutive episodes solves this task.
Please note that the DQN algorithm used is somewhat different than this, using a hyperperameter, tau, to slowly blend the weights of the target and local networks.
1.) Select the environment that matches your operating system:
•Linux: here •Mac OSX: here •Windows (32-bit): here •Windows (64-bit): here
(For AWS) If you'd like to train the agent on AWS (and have not enabled a virtual screen), then please use this link to obtain the "headless" version of the environment. You will not be able to watch the agent without enabling a virtual screen, but you will be able to train the agent. (To watch the agent, you should follow the instructions to enable a virtual screen, and then download the environment for the Linux operating system above.)
2.) Create (and activate) a new environment with Python 3.6, enter the following in the terminal:
Linux or Mac:
conda create --name drlnd python=3.6 source activate drlnd
conda create --name drlnd python=3.6 activate drlnd
3.) Clone the repository and navigate to the python/ folder. Then, install several dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/udacity/deep-reinforcement-learning.git cd deep-reinforcement-learning/python pip install .
4.) Create an IPython kernel for the drlnd environment:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name drlnd --display-name "drlnd"
5.) Before running code in a notebook, change the kernel to match the drlnd environment by using the drop-down Kernel menu:
You can see my implentation here, my report here, the neural network here, and the code for the Q-learning agent here.
A good introduction to the DQN algorithm can be read here.