Build Gannt charts with custom json and D3 v4
General input format
"Category":"Cat3", //give one or many events a cetegory name
"Start_Date": "2022-04-01", //starting date in YYYY-mm-dd format
"End_Date": "2022-06-01", //ending date in YYYY-mm-dd format
"Long": "Ignored event, long", //long description (current not used)
"Name":"Ignored event", //name displayed on left
"id": 3, //give each event a unique id
"prog": 0, //designate the progress bar to fill each event
"dep": "1,2,3", //reference dependancy of other event id's in csv format
"ignore":1, //optionally ignore the event, options 0=no,1=yes
"fill":"#0C53D9" //optional fill color, references legned below
Special dates, optional
"Name":"Special Date 1"
Legend, optional
"_type":"legend", //do not change
"#967008":"Type1", //reference event types above by "fill" property
Host script locally (exmaple on macOS w/php)
php -S localhost:8080