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Android Studio Project integrated with OpenCV Android SDK with Face Detection feature.

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Face Detection with OpenCV Android App

Sample Android app integrated with OpenCV library to utilize realtime face detection and machine learning.

Update: 07/21/2019


This project is adapted from my actual Hackathon at work during the summer of 2019 (July 17 to July 19). I just wanted to see how quickly I could incorporate OpenCV into the project and learned the basic of facial detection and machine learning. Eventually, I made a prototype for accessing a user's account with a human face as a credential for Unity-Android project.

Although the project in this repo does not have Unity portion, it should give you a groundwork to build things on top of it and help avoiding spending too much time (mis)configure your project and search through StackOverflow and Google for the solution.

OpenCV Android SDK is very technical and has a steep learning curve in term of configuration and integration. Hopefully, this repo/guide will help alleviate some of the pain.

This guide will show you how to integrate OpenCV Android SDK into your existing Android studio project.


  • Detect multiple human faces.
  • Distinguish between human and non-human faces.
  • No need to connect to Internet.

Future Iteration

  • Show a pop up toaster notifying whenever there is a new face detected.
  • Menu to switch front and back camera while facial detection is running.


  • Android Studio with CMake and NDK installed.
  • OpenCV SDK (Download at
  • Highly recommend Android device (recommended Android N or higher). IMO, using an emulator works but it is not adequate.

In term of what you need to know before diving into this,

  • More than just a basic knowledge of Android development is required.
  • Basic knowledge of JNI (Java Native Interface).
  • Have a basic understanding of gradle build.

My Setup

  • Android Studio 3.4.2
  • OpenCV Android SDK version 4.1.0
  • CMake version 3.10.2
  • Android NDK 20
  • LLDB 3.1

If you'd like to run the project, just clone this repo.

Otherwise, the following instructions will guide through steps for OpenCV integration from a scratch.

OpenCV Integration

Import OpenCV Project as your module

  1. Extract OpenCV SDK

  2. Open your Android Studio project.

  3. Right click your project -> New -> Module -> Import Gradle Project.

  4. Select sdk/java as a source directory.

  5. Uncheck Replace jars with dependencies and Replace library sources with dependencies.

Modify Build.gradle from module:openCV

NOTE: This is from OpenCV project, not your app.

  1. Replace the following
apply plugin: ''


apply plugin: ''
  1. Remove the line with applicationId from Build.gradle.

  2. Add the following under dependencies section to Build.gradle from module:app (not OpenCV project)

dependencies {
    implementation project(':opencv')

Copy over so files to your project.


  1. Copy sdk/native/libs folder to your Android project under 'app/src/main'

  2. Rename the copied folder to jniLibs

Statically load OpenCV library into your application project

  1. Add the following to your Android activity (i.e.
static {
  1. Invalidate cache and rebuild the project
  2. Try if you can reference OpenCV package in your project and rebuild. The simple test is to just import one of OpenCV packages to your Android activity. i.e.

Compile and Integrate C/C++ to Android Studio Project via JNI (Java Native Interface)

This is required if you'd like to utilize or use OpenCV beyond Java API. For instance, you'd like to do hardware-intensive task such as using a camera to capture image or video. Facial detection is definitely one of those tasks.

JNI will bridge between your project's Android Java and OpenCV library's C/C++.

Setup external native build for detection_based_tracker

  1. Open build.gradle under your module:app and add the following under default config section
android {
    defaultConfig {
        externalNativeBuild {
            cmake {
                arguments "-DOpenCV_DIR=" + project(':opencv').projectDir + "/native/jni",
                targets "detection_based_tracker"
  1. Outside of default config, add another externalNativeBuild section

    externalNativeBuild {
        cmake {
            path 'jni/CMakeLists.txt'

  1. Copy over sdk/jni/native folder to your OpenCV project root under sdk/native/jni.


Issue: CMake error because of unable to find `libcpufeatures``.

CMake Error at /YOUR_ROOT_PATH/opencv/native/jni/abi-armeabi-v7a/OpenCVModules.cmake:238 (message):
  The imported target "libcpufeatures" references the file


  but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:

  * The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.

  * An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.

ANSWER OpenCV is looking for libcpufeatures.a file from the specific path. In this particular example, it's looking in sdk/native/jni..., but it was in native/jni/....

Issue: UnsatisfieldLinkError from Java native interface method.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for long com.nxxxxx.facedetection_sample.DetectionBasedTracker.nativeCreateObject()

ANSWER Run the following command on *.so file to see if it has the correct method signature.

nm /YOURPATH/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/x86/ | grep NATIVE_METHOD_NAME_FROM_JNI_CLASS

If it was there then check if the package has any special character or underscore. JNI does not play well with these characters. i.e. package name will cause UnsatisfieldLinkError. It's recommended to change its package name to


Nate Kemavaha


Android Studio Project integrated with OpenCV Android SDK with Face Detection feature.






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