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This project is basically an exploratory investigation to see if it is possible to integrate React to Unity Android App.

Last Update: 07/15/2018

High-Level Summary of what it does

The idea is to build React project and integrate into Android module (i.e. aar or jar). Then Unity will invoke React component via the Android module we just created.

To invoke React component from within Unity app, Unity project will need to be exported as a Gradle project due to the issue of React does not support 64-bit and if your existing Unity project is large and has integrated a bunch of 3rd party library, you may have exceeded DEX counts limit by just adding React-Native library. These can only be resolved via a custom build.gradle.

What you need

  • Unity 5.6.5p1
  • Node installed via Homebrew
  • React-Native version 0.56.0
  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK from version 16 to the latest one
  • Android Build Tools at least version 25 (Recommended 27)

Where things are.

ReactAndroid							// React Project
.../.../native_android					// Android App and Module projects for React
.../.../android/EXPORT_PROJECT_NAME		// Exported Unity to Android Project
UnityClient								// Unity Project
.../Assets/Plugins/Android/				// Android Plugins and Unity's custom gradle template

How-to-Guide (High-level)

Follow for step 1 to step 3.

1.) Create React-Native Project.

If using this React-Native from this repo (ReactAndroid/ReactProject), run the following command to reconstruct android folder:

react-native upgrade

2.) Build from your React-Native Project.

This is basically what Android Application/module will use for rendering your React-Native project. Think of it as your React executable file.

Run this script:


It is essentially equivalent to running the following command to build with additional steps of copy the bundle file your project folder.

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

Everytime you've made a change to your React-Native project. You will need to run this command in order to have your changes reflected.

3.) Create Android Application and check if your React was integrated and works properly.

If you're unable to use or import com.facebook.react.ReactRootView and com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager, it is bacause Maven is unable to find React-Native package version we need (see 3.2).

Please check the followings:

3.1) Ensure your path to your local react-native/android is correct.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            // All of React Native (JS, Android binaries) is installed from npm
            url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"

3.2) DO NOT DO THIS in build.gradle.

dependencies {
    compile "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules

** DO THIS INSTEAD, Specify react-native version to use. **

dependencies {
    compile "com.facebook.react:react-native:0.56.0" // From node_modules

3.3) Rebuild your Android project

If you use gradle command,

./gradlew clean build

4.) Create Android Module.

Once step#3 works and there is no issue,

  • Create a new Android Module Project.
  • Modify build.gradle to include React-native as dependencies, should be similar to step#1 to step#3.
  • Move all React related activity to this module.
  • Create a static method to launch React activity.
  • Add this module as a dependency for your Android Project in step#3.
  • Test your Android Project from step#3 to see if it still works.

5.) Export your Android Module as aar.

Once you reach this, Congratulations!

Now the most challenging part,

6.) Create Unity Project to communicate to Android Module.

  • Create a button in Unity, which is basically going to call the static method from step#4 via JavaObject and JavaClassObject i.e.
AndroidJavaClass unityPlayerClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = unityPlayerClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");

AndroidJavaClass reactNativeActivity = new AndroidJavaClass("YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME.YOUR_MODULE_JAVA_CLASS");
reactNativeActivity.CallStatic("YOUR_STATIC_METHOD", currentActivity);

7.) Copy your Android Module aar file to Assets/Plugins/Android folder.

This will get copied over to Gradle project once exported.

8.) Export Unity project to Android Gradle project.

We need to do this because of the followings:

  • React does NOT support 64 bit.
  • Avoid exceed the limit of Android dex counts.
  • Unity uses old Gradle version, which lacks some of the functionality we may need (i.e. ability to exclude 64 bit).

There are 2 ways to do this:

8.1) Use Gradle option from Unity's Build Settings

  • Under File -> Build Settings
  • Check Export Project
  • Change Build System to Gradle (New)
  • Click Export



8.2) Create a custom Build/export option.

8.2.1) Create mainTemplate.gradle in Assets/Plugins/Android folder.

8.2.2) Create Build.cs to custom build/export your Unity Android project.

	[MenuItem("Build/Android Project %g", false, 1)]
	public static void BuildAndroid()
		// Export as Gradle/Android project
        EditorUserBuildSettings.androidBuildSystem = AndroidBuildSystem.Gradle;

        BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer;

        string status = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer (
            path,	// This should point to 'YOUR_REACT_NATIVE_PROJECT/android'.

        return status;

This will create your Unity's Android Gradle project.

NOTE: It should reside in your React-Native project's android folder due to recommendation from Facebook:

To ensure a smooth experience, create a new folder for your integrated React Native project, then copy your existing Android project to an /android subfolder.

NOTE: Please make sure to be able to build and launch your APK successfully (minus React part). Otherwise, we would have a non-functioning Gradle project.

9.) Your Unity's Android Gradle Project, open it with Android studio,

but ** DO NOT ** use the default gradle setting suggested by Android Studio.

This is located in ReactAndroid/ReactProject/android/UnityReactTest. It was exported from Unity.

This is basically Unity's Android project building with Gradle.

9.1) Update build.gradle with the following options:

9.1.1) Enable MultiDex to avoid Dex counts blowing up under defaultConfig section.

	multiDexEnabled true

9.1.2) Exclude 64 bit under defaultConfig section.

	ndk {
        abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

9.1.3) Add React-Native dependencies.

	dependencies {
		compile 'com.facebook.react:react-native:0.56.0'

9.1.4) Add Android dependencies.

	dependencies {
		compile ''
		compile ''

9.1.5) Apply react.gradle.

	project.ext.react = [
		entryFile: "index.js"

	apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradle"

9.1.6) Apply jcenter() under respositories of allprojects and buildscript sections to ensure React-Native package has all required dependencies.

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

allprojects {
   repositories {

This ensures React-Native package has all the required dependencies.

9.1.7) Build Gradle Project to see there is no error.

9.2) Copy over external dependencies to libs folder from your React-Native project folder.

  • Your android module aar from ReactAndroid/ReactProject/native_android/YOUR_MODULE_NAME/builds/outputs/YOUR_MODULE.ARR
  • react-native-0.56.0.aar from your ReactAndroid/ReactProjet/node_modules/react-native/android/com/facebook/react/react-native/0.56.0/ project.

NOTE: node_modules folder was generated after you create React-Native project via react-native command, run npm install, or run react-native run-android.

9.3) Copy to ReactAndroid/ReactProject/android/UnityReactTest/src/main/assets/ folder.

9.3) Build Make Project in Android Studio.

9.4) Deploy to Android Device either from Android studio or adb install command.

If you've set things up correctly, you'd be able to trigger React project from within Unity.


  • No support for 64 bit. Must exclude 64 bit by modify build.gradle.
  • Dex counts will blow up if your Unity project contains a lot of 3rd party library. React-Native library will add at least 5000+ more to dex count.
  • Don't use default Gradle version when import Unity Android project to Android Studio. Otherwise, you may get into dependencies hell.
  • If react-native library is missing dependencies, make sure to add jcenter() to build.gradle.


Nate Kemavaha


Thank you for all contributors to these references. Without them, we wouldn't have this project working.


Embedded React-(Native) into Unity Build.






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