Huge changes in the latest version. See 0.4.0 version changelog for more information
Clappr is an extensible media player for the web. Your architecture is projected primarily into plugins, adding low accoupling by design to the project and the possibility to add infinitely features easily.
Clappr uses HTMLVideoElement by default, which guarantees support to many platforms. You have the possibility to extend the default HTML5 playback or the playback interface to create a new media support, just like a plugin!
Clappr is a composition of two other projects: @clappr/core and @clappr/plugins.
The @clappr/core
contains the basic functionalities from Clappr (plugin architecture, class abstractions, public interfaces, events handlers and etc) and the @clappr/plugins
are the repository where the plugins maintained by the Clappr team lives. More info about those projects into your repositories.
All Clappr projects are written in *.js
using the latest features of ECMAScript.
Clappr is under development but production-ready. Feel free to open issues and send pull requests.
- Features
- Table of Contents
- Usage
- Demo
- API Documentation
- Configuration
- Built-in Plugins
- Third party plugins/integrations
- Supported Formats
- About Autoplay
- FAQ & Troubleshooting
- Companies using Clappr
- Contributors
- Sponsor
Add the following script on your HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Now, create the player:
<div id="player"></div>
var player = new Clappr.Player({source: "", parentId: "#player"});
Live demo to test, with a possibility to add external plugins.
You can check the current API doc via @clappr/core
You can check the embed parameters supported by @clappr/core
You can check the plugins used on Clappr player via @clappr/plugins
Integration | Status | Compatible with latest Clappr | URL |
P2P Media Loader | Ready | Yes | |
means that the support is made by an external plugin.
Clappr has no control over autoplay
Browser Policy.
Therefore, we're not able to execute play and unmute actions sequentially in every situation. There are a series of scenarios where the Browser blocks these actions based on itβs own policy.
Each browser has their own different restrictions, and the usual behavior is to activate the sound only after a user interacts with the player.
For more info about the auto play video policy, you can read these docs:
See the wiki for more info.
Let's say you want to disable or override a plugin.
// let's disable the loading animation (the 'spinner' plugin)
var player = new Clappr.Player({ ... });
// after attach
// let's disable the loading animation (the 'spinner' plugin)
export default class NoSpinner extends UIContainerPlugin {
get name() { return 'spinner' }
new Clappr.Player({ plugins: [NoSpinner]})
Add this snippet before you instantiate the player Clappr.Log.setLevel(0)
Very often people open issues related to stream not working, freezing, glitching, stopping, and so on. You can try these steps below, taking notes about the results:
- try to run the same example at CDN
- check the cors headers at your servers
- try to run it on hls.js demo page
- try to run it on flashls. demo page
- try to run on your page the following source:
- try different browsers/OS's to see if the problems remain
- try to use a tool to check the health of your stream (both input, ie: RTMP, and segmentation, ie: DASH or HLS): like
(for instance you could:mediainfo
, Apple'smediastreamvalidator
and etc.
//HLS-Analyzer usage example
pip install m3u8
git clone
cd hls-analyzer
Player fatal errors can be handled using onError
API event.
var player = new Clappr.Player({
parent: '#myplayer',
source: '',
events: {
onError: function(e) {
// Here the code to handle the error
Note: the type of error event object depends on the type of playback component resolved to play the video.
This is a simple example using the no_op
playback to display error messages.
You can try the following Javascript code on Clappr demo page:
var playerElement = document.getElementById("player-wrapper");
var r = 3; // Retry attempts
var player = new Clappr.Player({
// source: '',
source: '',
disableErrorScreen: true, // Disable the internal error screen plugin
height: 360,
width: 640,
events: {
onError: function(e) {
var s = player.options.source;
// Replace previous line by the following line to simulate successful recovery
// var s = (r > 2) ? player.options.source : '';
var t = 10;
var retry = function() {
if (t === 0) {
var o = player.options;
o.source = s;
setTimeout(retry, 1000);
autoPlay: true,
source: 'playback.error',
playbackNotSupportedMessage: 'Network fatal error.' + ((r > 0)
? ' Retrying in <span id="retryCounter"></span> seconds ...'
: ' All retry attempts failed'),
if (r > 0) {
This example uses a custom error container plugin to display error messages.
You can try the following Javascript code on Clappr demo page:
var playerElement = document.getElementById("player-wrapper");
var ErrorPlugin = Clappr.ContainerPlugin.extend({
name: 'error_plugin',
bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.container, Clappr.Events.CONTAINER_ERROR, this.onError) },
hide: function() { this._err && this._err.remove() },
show: function() {
var $ = Clappr.$
var txt = (this.options.errorPlugin && this.options.errorPlugin.text) ? this.options.errorPlugin.text : 'A fatal error occured.';
this._err = $('<div>')
'position': 'absolute',
'z-index': '999',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'background-image': 'url(' + this.background + ')',
'background-size': 'contain',
'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
'padding-top': '15%',
'text-align': 'center',
'font-weight': 'bold',
'text-shadow': '1px 1px #fff',
'font-size': '200%',
.append($('<p>').html('Retrying in <span class="retry-counter">10</span> seconds ...')
'font-size': '120%',
'margin': '15px',
this.container && this.container.$el.prepend(this._err);
onError: function(e) {
if (!this.container) return;;
var tid, t = 10, retry = function() {
if (t === 0) {
if (this.options.errorPlugin && this.options.errorPlugin.onRetry) {
} else {
tid = setTimeout(retry, 1000);
var player = new Clappr.Player({
disableErrorScreen: true, // Disable the internal error screen plugin
source: '',
plugins: [ErrorPlugin],
errorPlugin: {
// text: 'My custom error message.',
onRetry: function(e) {
// simulate successful recovery
// or decide here what to do between each retry
source: '',
autoPlay: true,
height: 360,
width: 640
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.