last update : 02/01/19
The purpose of this repo is to keep all lesson materials tidy and up to date.
Also, the repo includes my all notes, homeworks and lab codes.
All presentations are prepared by @sevketcakir
They are originally published on
Week | Subject (notes) | Presentation | LAB | HW |
1 | Inheritance, Abstract, Interface and Generics |
vy1.pdf |
Generics [100/100] |
2 | Stacks, Queues and Operation Notations |
vy2.pdf |
Stacks [75/100] |
3 | LinkedList and DoubleLinkedList |
vy3.pdf |
DoubleLinkedList [100/100] |
4 | BinarySearchTrees and Expression Trees |
vy4.pdf |
BinarySearchTree [75/100] |
5 | AVL Trees |
vy5.pdf |
Treversal [100/100] |
ExpressionTree [100/100] |
6 | Binary Heap and Huffman Trees |
vy6.pdf |
BinaryHeap [100/100] |
7 | 2-3 Trees and B Trees | vy7.pdf |
AVLTrees [100/100] |
8 | Hash |
vy8.pdf |
SeperatedChainHash [100/100] |
-- | -- | [--] |
QuadraticProbeHashh [100/100] |
HuffmanTree [100/100] |
9 | Graph |
vy9.pdf |
AbstractGraph [100/100] |
10 | Graph Algorithms |
vy10.pdf |
[AbstractGraph2] [0/100] |
11 | Sorting Algorithms | [--] |
[AbstractGraph3] [0/100] |
WelshPowell [100/100] |
You can send pull request to improve this repo. If you need to contact me : @boratanrikulu