Easily access and explore the SAR data products of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite mission in Python.
This Open Source project is sponsored by B-Open - https://www.bopen.eu.
xarray-sentinel is a Python library and Xarray backend with the following functionalities:
- supports the following data products as distributed by ESA:
- Sentinel-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD):
- Stripmap (SM)
- Interferometric Wide Swath (IW)
- Extra Wide Swath (EW)
- Sentinel-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) SM/IW/EW
- Sentinel-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD):
- creates ready-to-use Xarray
s that map the data lazily and efficiently in terms of both memory usage and disk / network access - reads all SAR imagery data: GRD images, SLC swaths and SLC bursts
- reads several metadata elements: satellite orbit and attitude, ground control points, radiometric calibration look up tables, Doppler centroid estimation and more
- (partially broken, see #127) reads uncompressed and compressed SAFE data products on the local computer or on a network via fsspec
- supports larger-than-memory and distributed data access via Dask and rioxarray / rasterio / GDAL
- provides a few helpers for simple operations involving metadata like cropping individual bursts out of IW SLC swaths, applying radiometric calibration polynomials, converting slant to ground range for GRD products and computing geospatial metadata.
Overall, the software is in the beta phase and the usual caveats apply.
The easiest way to install xarray-sentinel is in a conda environment. The following commands create a new environment, activate it, install the package and its dependencies:
conda create -n XARRAY-SENTINEL
conda activate XARRAY-SENTINEL
conda install -c conda-forge dask "rasterio=>1.3.0" xarray-sentinel
The SAR data products of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite mission are distributed in
the SAFE format, composed of a few raster data files in TIFF and several metadata files in XML.
The aim of xarray-sentinel is to provide a developer-friendly Python interface to all data and
several metadata elements as Xarray Dataset
s to enable easy processing of SAR data
into value-added products.
Due to the inherent complexity and redundancy of the SAFE format xarray-sentinel
maps it to a tree of groups where every group may be opened as a Dataset
but it may also contain subgroups, that are listed in the subgroups
The following sections show some example of xarray-sentinel usage.
In the notebooks
folder you
can also find notebooks, one for each supported product, that allow you to explore the
data in more detail using the xarray-sentinel functions.
For example let's explore the Sentinel-1 SLC Stripmap product in the local folder
First, we can open the SAR data product by passing the engine="sentinel-1"
option to xr.open_dataset
and access the root group of the product, also known as /
>>> import xarray as xr
>>> slc_sm_path = "tests/data/S1A_S3_SLC__1SDV_20210401T152855_20210401T152914_037258_04638E_6001.SAFE"
>>> xr.open_dataset(slc_sm_path, engine="sentinel-1")
Dimensions: ()
Data variables:
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: SM
swaths: ['S3']
orbit_number: 37258
relative_orbit_number: 86
start_time: 2021-04-01T15:28:55.111501
stop_time: 2021-04-01T15:29:14.277650
group: /
subgroups: ['S3', 'S3/VH', 'S3/VH/orbit', 'S3/V...
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
The root Dataset
does not contain any data variable, but only attributes that provide general information
on the product and a description of the tree structure of the data.
The group
attribute contains the name of the current group and the subgroups
attribute shows
the names of all available groups below this one.
To open the other groups we need to add the keyword group
to xr.open_dataset
The measurement can then be read by selecting the desired beam mode and polarization.
In this example, the data contains the S3 beam mode and the VH polarization with group="S3/VH"
is selected:
>>> slc_s3_vh = xr.open_dataset(slc_sm_path, group="S3/VH", engine="sentinel-1", chunks=2048)
>>> slc_s3_vh
Dimensions: (slant_range_time: 18998, azimuth_time: 36895)
pixel (slant_range_time) int64 ...
line (azimuth_time) int64 ...
* azimuth_time (azimuth_time) datetime64[ns] ...
* slant_range_time (slant_range_time) float64 ...
Data variables:
measurement (azimuth_time, slant_range_time) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: SM
swaths: ['S3']
orbit_number: 37258
relative_orbit_number: 86
geospatial_lon_min: 42.772483374347
geospatial_lon_max: 43.75770573943618
group: /S3/VH
subgroups: ['orbit', 'attitude', 'azimuth_fm_ra...
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
The measurement
variable contains the Single Look Complex measurements as a complex64
and has dimensions slant_range_time
and azimuth_time
The azimuth_time
is an np.datetime64
coordinate that contains the UTC zero-Doppler time
associated with the image line
and slant_range_time
is an np.float64
coordinate that contains the two-way range time interval
in seconds associated with the image pixel.
Since Sentinel-1 IPF version 3.40, a unique identifier for bursts has been added to the SLC product metadata.
For these products, the list of the burst ids is stored the burst_ids
dataset attribute.
The measurement group contains several subgroups with metadata associated with the image. Currently, xarray-sentinel supports the following metadata datasets:
- product XML file
from the<orbit>
from the<attitude>
from the<azimuthFmRate>
from the<dcEstimate>
from the<geolocationGridPoint>
from the<coordinateConversion>
- calibration XML file
from the<calibrationVector>
- noise XML file
from the<noiseRangeVector>
from the<noiseAzimuthVector>
For example, the image calibration metadata associated with the S3/VH
image can be read using
>>> slc_s3_vh_calibration = xr.open_dataset(slc_sm_path, group="S3/VH/calibration", engine="sentinel-1")
>>> slc_s3_vh_calibration
Dimensions: (line: 22, pixel: 476)
* line (line) int64 0 1925 3850 5775 7700 ... 34649 36574 38499 40424
* pixel (pixel) int64 0 40 80 120 160 ... 18880 18920 18960 18997
Data variables:
azimuth_time (line) datetime64[ns] ...
sigmaNought (line, pixel) float32 ...
betaNought (line, pixel) float32 ...
gamma (line, pixel) float32 ...
dn (line, pixel) float32 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: SM
swaths: ['S3']
orbit_number: 37258
relative_orbit_number: 86
stop_time: 2021-04-01T15:29:14.277650
group: /S3/VH/calibration
Conventions: CF-1.8
title: Calibration coefficients
comment: The dataset contains calibration inf...
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
Note that in this case, the dimensions are line
and pixel
with coordinates corresponding to
the sub-grid of the original image where the calibration Look Up Table is defined.
The groups present in a typical Sentinel-1 Stripmap product are:
└─ S3
├─ VH
│ ├─ orbit
│ ├─ attitude
│ ├─ azimuth_fm_rate
│ ├─ dc_estimate
│ ├─ gcp
│ ├─ coordinate_conversion
│ ├─ calibration
│ ├─ noise_range
│ └─ noise_azimuth
└─ VV
├─ orbit
├─ attitude
├─ azimuth_fm_rate
├─ dc_estimate
├─ gcp
├─ coordinate_conversion
├─ calibration
├─ noise_range
└─ noise_azimuth
The IW and EW products, that use the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scan (TOPS) acquisition mode, are more complex because they contain several beam modes in the same SAFE package, but also because the measurement array is a collage of sub-images called bursts.
xarray-sentinel provides a helper function that crops a burst out of a measurement dataset for you.
You need to first open the desired measurement dataset, for example, the HH polarisation
of the first IW swath of the S1A_IW_SLC__1SDH_20220414T102209_20220414T102236_042768_051AA4_E677.SAFE
product, in the current folder:
>>> slc_iw_v340_path = "tests/data/S1A_IW_SLC__1SDH_20220414T102209_20220414T102236_042768_051AA4_E677.SAFE"
>>> slc_iw1_v340_hh = xr.open_dataset(slc_iw_v340_path, group="IW1/HH", engine="sentinel-1")
>>> slc_iw1_v340_hh
Dimensions: (pixel: 21169, line: 13500)
* pixel (pixel) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 21164 21165 21166 21167 21168
* line (line) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 13495 13496 13497 13498 13499
azimuth_time (line) datetime64[ns] ...
slant_range_time (pixel) float64 ...
Data variables:
measurement (line, pixel) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 42768
relative_orbit_number: 171
geospatial_lon_min: -61.94949110259839
geospatial_lon_max: -60.24826879672774
group: /IW1/HH
subgroups: ['orbit', 'attitude', 'azimuth_fm_ra...
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
Note that the measurement data for IW and EW acquisition modes can not be indexed by physical coordinates because of the collage nature of the image.
Now the 9th burst out of 9 can be cropped from the swath data using burst_index=8
, via:
>>> import xarray_sentinel
>>> xarray_sentinel.crop_burst_dataset(slc_iw1_v340_hh, burst_index=8)
Dimensions: (slant_range_time: 21169, azimuth_time: 1500)
pixel (slant_range_time) int64 0 1 2 3 ... 21166 21167 21168
line (azimuth_time) int64 12000 12001 12002 ... 13498 13499
* azimuth_time (azimuth_time) datetime64[ns] 2022-04-14T10:22:33.80763...
* slant_range_time (slant_range_time) float64 0.005348 0.005349 ... 0.005677
Data variables:
measurement (azimuth_time, slant_range_time) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 42768
relative_orbit_number: 171
group: /IW1/HH
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
azimuth_anx_time: 2136.774327
burst_index: 8
burst_id: 365923
If IPF processor version is 3.40 or higher, it is also possible to select the burst
to be cropped using the burst_id
>>> xarray_sentinel.crop_burst_dataset(slc_iw1_v340_hh, burst_id=365923)
Dimensions: (slant_range_time: 21169, azimuth_time: 1500)
pixel (slant_range_time) int64 0 1 2 3 ... 21166 21167 21168
line (azimuth_time) int64 12000 12001 12002 ... 13498 13499
* azimuth_time (azimuth_time) datetime64[ns] 2022-04-14T10:22:33.80763...
* slant_range_time (slant_range_time) float64 0.005348 0.005349 ... 0.005677
Data variables:
measurement (azimuth_time, slant_range_time) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 42768
relative_orbit_number: 171
group: /IW1/HH
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
azimuth_anx_time: 2136.774327
burst_index: 8
burst_id: 365923
Note that the helper function also performs additional changes, such as swapping the dimensions to the physical coordinates and adding burst attributes.
As a quick way to access burst data, you can add the burst_index
to the group specification on
open, for example, group="IW1/VH/8"
The burst groups are not listed in the subgroup
attribute because they are not structural.
>>> slc_iw_v330_path = "tests/data/S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210401T052622_20210401T052650_026269_032297_EFA4.SAFE"
>>> xr.open_dataset(slc_iw_v330_path, group="IW1/VH/8", engine="sentinel-1")
Dimensions: (slant_range_time: 21632, azimuth_time: 1501)
pixel (slant_range_time) int64 ...
line (azimuth_time) int64 ...
* azimuth_time (azimuth_time) datetime64[ns] 2021-04-01T05:26:46.27227...
* slant_range_time (slant_range_time) float64 0.005343 0.005343 ... 0.005679
Data variables:
measurement (azimuth_time, slant_range_time) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: B
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 26269
relative_orbit_number: 168
geospatial_lon_max: 12.093126130070317
group: /IW1/VH
azimuth_anx_time: 2210.634453
burst_index: 8
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
xarray-sentinel provides helper functions to calibrate the data using the calibration metadata. You can compute the gamma intensity for part of the Stripmap image above with:
>>> xarray_sentinel.calibrate_intensity(slc_s3_vh.measurement[:2048, :2048], slc_s3_vh_calibration.gamma)
<xarray.DataArray (azimuth_time: 2048, slant_range_time: 2048)>
dask.array<pow, shape=(2048, 2048), dtype=float32, chunksize=(2048, 2048), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
pixel (slant_range_time) int64 dask.array<chunksize=(2048,), meta=np.ndarray>
line (azimuth_time) int64 dask.array<chunksize=(2048,), meta=np.ndarray>
* azimuth_time (azimuth_time) datetime64[ns] 2021-04-01T15:28:55.11150...
* slant_range_time (slant_range_time) float64 0.005273 0.005273 ... 0.005303
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: A
mode: SM
swaths: ['S3']
orbit_number: 37258
relative_orbit_number: 86
geospatial_lat_min: -12.17883496921861
geospatial_lat_max: -10.85986742252814
geospatial_lon_min: 42.772483374347
geospatial_lon_max: 43.75770573943618
units: m2 m-2
long_name: gamma
You need the unreleased rasterio >= 1.3.0 for fsspec to work on measurement data
xarray-sentinel can read data from a variety of data stores including local file systems,
network file systems, cloud object stores and compressed file formats, like Zip.
This is done by passing fsspec compatible URLs to xr.open_dataset
and optionally
the storage_options
keyword argument.
For example you can open a product directly from a zip file with:
>>> slc_iw_zip_path = "tests/data/S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210401T052622_20210401T052650_026269_032297_EFA4.zip"
>>> xr.open_dataset(f"zip://*/manifest.safe::{slc_iw_zip_path}", group="IW1/VH", engine="sentinel-1") # doctest: +SKIP
Dimensions: (pixel: 21632, line: 13509)
* pixel (pixel) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 21627 21628 21629 21630 21631
* line (line) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 13504 13505 13506 13507 13508
azimuth_time (line) datetime64[ns] ...
slant_range_time (pixel) float64 ...
Data variables:
measurement (line, pixel) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: B
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 26269
relative_orbit_number: 168
number_of_bursts: 9
lines_per_burst: 1501
group: /IW1/VH
subgroups: ['orbit', 'attitude', 'azimuth_fm_ra...
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
As an example of remote access, you can open a product directly from a GitHub repo with:
>>> xr.open_dataset(f"github://bopen:xarray-sentinel@/{slc_iw_path}", group="IW1/VH", engine="sentinel-1") # doctest: +SKIP
Dimensions: (pixel: 21632, line: 13509)
* pixel (pixel) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 21627 21628 21629 21630 21631
* line (line) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 13504 13505 13506 13507 13508
azimuth_time (line) datetime64[ns] ...
slant_range_time (pixel) float64 ...
Data variables:
measurement (line, pixel) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: B
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 26269
relative_orbit_number: 168
number_of_bursts: 9
lines_per_burst: 1501
group: /IW1/VH
subgroups: ['orbit', 'attitude', 'azimuth_fm_ra...
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
fsspec is very powerful and supports caching and chaining, for example you can open a zip file off a GitHub repo and cache the file locally with:
>>> xr.open_dataset(
... f"zip://*/manifest.safe::simplecache::github://bopen:xarray-sentinel@/{slc_iw_zip_path}",
... engine="sentinel-1",
... group="IW1/VH",
... storage_options={
... "simplecache": {"cache_storage": "/tmp/zipfiles/"},
... },
... ) # doctest: +SKIP
Dimensions: (pixel: 21632, line: 13509)
* pixel (pixel) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 21627 21628 21629 21630 21631
* line (line) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 13504 13505 13506 13507 13508
azimuth_time (line) datetime64[ns] ...
slant_range_time (pixel) float64 ...
Data variables:
measurement (line, pixel) complex64 ...
Attributes: ...
family_name: SENTINEL-1
number: B
mode: IW
swaths: ['IW1', 'IW2', 'IW3']
orbit_number: 26269
relative_orbit_number: 168
number_of_bursts: 9
lines_per_burst: 1501
group: /IW1/VH
subgroups: ['orbit', 'attitude', 'azimuth_fm_ra...
Conventions: CF-1.8
history: created by xarray_sentinel-...
This is the list of the reference documents:
- Sentinel-1 document library:
- Sentinel-1 Product Specification v3.9 07 May 2021 S1-RS-MDA-52-7441-3-9 documenting IPF 3.40
- Sentinel-1 Product Specification v3.7 27 February 2020 S1-RS-MDA-52-7441 documenting IPF 3.30
- Radiometric Calibration of S-1 Level-1 Products Generated by the S-1 IPF v1.0 21/05/2015 ESA-EOPG-CSCOP-TN-0002
- The main design choice for xarray-sentinel is for it to be as much as viable a pure map of
the content of the SAFE data package, with as little interpretation as possible.
- The tree-like structure follows the structure of the SAFE package even when information, like orbit and attitude, is expected to be identical for different beam modes. We observed at least a case where the number of orbital state vectors reported was different between beam modes.
- Data and metadata are converted to the closest available data-type in Python / numpy.
The most significant conversion is from
for the SLC measurements that double the space requirements for the data. Also, xarray-sentinel converts UTC times tonp.datetime64
and makes no attempt to support leap seconds, acquisitions containing leap seconds may crash or silently return corrupted data. See the rationale for choices of the coordinates data-types below. - We try to keep all naming as close as possible to the original names. In particular, for metadata we use the names of the XML tags, only converting them from camelCase to snake_case.
- Whenever possible xarray-sentinel indexes the data with physical coordinates
, but keeps imageline
as auxiliary coordinates. - As an exception to the metadata naming rule above we add some attributes to get CF-Conventions compliance.
- We aim at opening available data and metadata even for partial SAFE packages, for example, xarray-sentinel can open a measurement dataset for a beam mode even when the TIFF files of other beam modes / polarizations are missing.
- Accuracy considerations and rationale for coordinates data-types:
can be expressed asnp.datetime64[ns]
since spatial resolution at LEO speed is 10km/s * 1ns ~= 0.001cm.slant_range_time
on the other hand cannot be expressed asnp.timedelta64[ns]
as spatial resolution at the speed of light is 300_000km/s * 1ns / 2 ~= 15cm, i.e. not enough for interferometric applications.slant_range_time
needs a spatial resolution of 0.001cm at a 1_000km distance, i.e. around 1e-9, well within the 1e-15 resolution of IEEE-754 float64.
The main repository is hosted on GitHub. Testing, bug reports and contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated:
Lead developers:
Main contributors:
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
B-Open commits to maintain the project long term and we are happy to accept sponsorships to develop new features.
We wish to express our gratitude to the project sponsors:
- Microsoft has sponsored the support for GRD products and fsspec data access.
Copyright 2021-2022, B-Open Solutions srl and the xarray-sentinel authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.