Author: | Benedikt Böhm |
Web: | |
Git: | git clone |
Capper is a collection of opinionated Capistrano recipes.
Most web applications are deployed the same way. While capistrano itself is already quite opinionated, maintaining a multitude of applications feels like copy&paste very fast.
Capper provides sane defaults and many recipes for technologies typically used
with Ruby and Python deployments to make config/deploy.rb
much more
declarative and terse.
- v1.0.0 (14/07/2012)
- capper has been in production for about 1 year and its API is now considered stable.
Capper recipes should be loaded via Capfile
like this:
require "capper" load "capper/bundler" load "capper/rails" load "capper/rvm" load "capper/unicorn" load "config/deploy" load "capper/multistage"
Note: capper does not support capistranos default deploy recipe, instead an enhanced copy is shipped directly with capper and enabled by default.
Capper provides a clean DSL syntax for multistage support. In contrast to
capistrano-ext you don't have to create a bunch of tiny files in
but instead use DSL sugar in config/deploy.rb
stage :production do server "", :app, :db, :primary => true server "", :app end stage :staging do server "", :app, :db, :primary => true set :rails_env, "staging" set :branch, "staging" end
Note: the multistage recipe must be loaded after config/deploy
it cannot know the defined stages.
Capper provides a powerful yet simple mechanism to upload scripts and config
files rendered from templates during deploy. Template files are stored in
but are rarely needed since capper recipes already
contain required template files.
To upload a custom template create an ERb file and upload it with
upload_template_file("", "#{bin_path}/myscript", :mode => "0755")
The above command will upload config/deploy/templates/
the specified path. Inside the template all capistrano options (current_path,
application, etc) are available.
Capper provides integration with a systemd user session running for the user that is being deployed to. Capper will upload service units and enable/start these accordingly.
The following recipes are included in capper.
The base recipe is an enhanced version of capistranos default deploy recipe. It is loaded automatically and provides the basic opinions capper has about deployment:
- The application is deployed to a dedicated user account with the same name as the application.
- The parent path for these user accounts defaults to
. - No sudo privileges are ever needed.
- Releases are cleaned up by default.
- The application is deployed via
The deploy:finalize_update
task has been enhanced to make symlinks
declarative in config/deploy.rb
set :symlinks, { "config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml", "shared/uploads" => "public/uploads" }
The above snippet will create symlinks from
and from
after deploy:update_code
has run.
The airbrake recipe is merely a copy of airbrakes native capistrano integration without after/before hooks, so airbrake notifications can be enabled on-demand in stage blocks:
stage :production do ... after "deploy", "airbrake:notify" end
The bundler recipe is an extension of bundlers native capistrano integration:
- During
it is ensured that a known-to-work bundler version (specified viabundler_version
) is installed. - When used together with the rvm recipe bundles are not installed globally to
but instead a gemset specific location is used (shared/bundle/#{gemset}
). - The option
is set tobundle exec
for convenience. (seeruby
recipe for details)
The delayed_job recipe provides integration with DelayedJob. A script to
start/stop delayed job workers is uploaded to #{bin_path}/delayed_job
. The
script supports multiple instances and priority ranges.
If monit integration has been enabled via capper/monit
workers are
automatically (re)started during deploy and can be specified via
set :delayed_jobs_workers, { :important => 0..1, :worker1 => 2..10, :worker2 => 2..10 }
The django recipe provides setup and migrate tasks for Django.
The python recipe provides basic support for Python applications. It will
create a symlink from #{current_path}/#{application}
to #{current_path}
for Python namespace support.
The rails recipe sets the default rails_env
to production and includes
tasks for deploying the asset pipeline for rails 3.1 applications. It also
provdes a migrate task for Rails applications.
The rvm recipe is an extension to RVMs native capistrano integration. The
recipe forces the rvm_type
to :user
and will automatically determine
the ruby version and gemset via the projects .rvmrc
A deploy:setup
hook is provided to ensure the correct rvm, ruby and rubygems
versions are installed on all servers.
The ruby recipe provides basic support for Ruby applications. It will setup a
gemrc file and and variables for ruby_exec_prefix
(such as bundler).
The thin recipe provides integration with Thin. A script to manage the
thin process is uploaded to #{bin_path}/thin
The unicorn recipe provides integration with Unicorn. A script to manage the
unicorn process is uploaded to #{bin_path}/unicorn
. Additionally this
recipe also manages the unicorn configuration file (in config/unicorn.rb
The following configuration options are provided:
- Number of unicorn workers (default: 4)
- Timeout after which workers are killed (default: 30)
The uwsgi recipe provides integration with uWSGI. A script to manage the uwsgi
process is uploaded to #{bin_path}/uwsgi
. Additionally this recipe also
manages the uwsgi configuration file (in config/uwsgi.xml
The following configuration options are provided:
- Number of uwsgi workers (default: 4)
The virtualenv recipe provides deploy:setup
hooks for virtualenv support.
In addition required Python libraries are installed via pip into this
The whenever recipe is a simplified version of whenevers native capistrano
integration. With one application per user account the whole crontab can be
used for whenever. Additionally this recipe take the ruby_exec_prefix
setting into account.
To define the target servers user the cron role.
server "", :app, :cron
read about the the use case.
The nave recipe sets up nave Virtual Environments for Node:
set :use_nave, true set :nave_dir, '~/.nave' set :node_version, '0.8.1'
The npm recipe runs npm install after deploy:update_code. When used with the nave
recipe npm install runs nave use <ver> npm install
Not it is recommended to add npm-shrinkwrap.json into version control to manage npm
set :npm_cmd, "npm"
The forever recipe starts your app as daemon in the background.
When used with the nave recipe it runs nave use <ver> forever [action]
set :forever_cmd, "forever" # e.g. "./node_modules/.bin/forever" set :node_env, "production" # the NODE_ENV environment variable used to start the script set :main_js, "index.js" # e.g. "./build/main.js" the script you want to start
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Benedikt Böhm. See LICENSE for further details.