(name suggested by u/DaJorsh on Reddit)
A simple aggregator for notification from Sonarr, Radarr and Lidarr.
(Theme song: Informer by Snow - Youtube Link)
What can it do:
- Configurable pause (in hours)
- Customizable movie, episode and song entries
- Notification to Telegram
- Notification to Discord
Logs | Telegram | Discord |
(click on screenshot to enlarge) |
I mainly chose to create this to be used with Docker.
Made with the wonderful lsiobase/alpine
as a base image.
You can find the image on Docker Hub here
Here's the
docker run
command needed to start it up:docker run -d \ --name notificator \ --restart=always \ -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 \ -p 5445:5445 \ -v /some/folder/to/store/your/data:/data \ bonny1992/informrr:latest
At the first run it will create the database and the config needed in the folder
(I suggest you to mount it as a volume in thedocker run
command). Plus, at the very first start, it will generate a random string which you will need to access the "notificator webhook". -
Then, I suggest you to stop the container so you can start editing the
file needed.docker stop notificator
You can find it in your chosen folder during the container run (
explaination can be found later. -
Now you can start the container again:
docker start notificator
That's it, you can configure the webhook in Sonarr and Radarr with the url you will find in the
folder in the fileurl.txt
, in theConnect
tab underSettings
, asOn Import
andOn Upgrade
Key | Content |
enable_telegram | You can enable or disable Telegram notifications here |
enable_discord | You can enable or disable Discord notifications here |
skip_hours | Time between one notification and the next one (in hours) |
discord_webhook | (Standard) Discord webhook |
telegram_bot_token | Telegram bot token (Obtained from BotFather bot) |
telegram_chat_id | Telegram chat id of where you want the notificator to sends messages to |
safe_key | Safe key generated if empty or first run. You can however customize it how you please (I think, I did not try). |
timezone | Your timezone, to customize log entries. Example: Europe/London |
start_quiet | The hour where the quiet mode starts (if you want the quiet mode to start at 21 till 9, write here 21) |
end_quiet | The hour where the quiet mode ends (if you want the quiet mode to start at 21 till 9, write here 8, as it counts till 8:59 ) |
domain | Your domain. Example: notificator.domain.com . The program will add the https:// part, so you should reverse proxy this. |
custom_quiet_mode_message | You can customize the header of the quiet mode message here. Example: SILENT NOTIFICATION HERE! (Works only with Telegram) |
custom_tv_entry | Customizable TV episode entry. Available keys: {SERIES} , {SEASON} , {EPISODE} , {TITLE} , {QUALITY} , {TIME} . See below for explaination and examples. |
custom_movie_entry | Customizable movie entry. Available keys: {TITLE} , {YEAR} , {QUALITY} , {IMDB_LINK} , {TIME} . See below for explaination and examples. |
custom_track_entry | Customizable track entry. Available keys: {ARTIST} , {TITLE} , {TRACK_NUMBER} , {QUALITY} , {TIME} . See below for explaination and examples. |
custom_too_long_message | Customizable message for when the message is too long (Max 4000 characters for Telegram and 2000 for Discord). Available keys: {N_TV} , {N_MOVIE} , {N_TRACK} . See below for explaination and examples. |
Key | Content | Example |
Name of the series. | Lucifer |
Two digit number of the season. | 01 |
Two digit number of the episode. | 02 |
Title of the episode. | Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil. |
Quality of the episode. | HDTV-1080 |
{TIME} |
Time (hh:mm ) of the received notification |
08:30 |
Let's say we write a custom entry like this:
Using the same examples as above, we get:
08:30 - Lucifer S01E02 - Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil. - HDTV-1080
You can also customize it with Markdown syntax (please refer to Telegram and Discord documentation).
Key | Content | Example |
Title of the movie. | The Godfather |
{YEAR} |
Four digit number of the year of the release of the movie. | 1972 |
Quality of the movie release. | Blueray-1008p |
Link to the movie IMDB page in Markdown syntax | [IMDB Link](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068646/) |
{TIME} |
Time (hh:mm ) of the received notification |
08:30 |
Let's say we write a custom entry like this:
Using the same examples as above, we get:
08:30 - The Godfather (1972) - Blueray-1008p - [IMDB Link](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068646/)
Which, will result like this, in Telegram and Discord:
08:30 - The Godfather (1972) - Blueray-1008p - IMDB Link
You can also customize it with Markdown syntax (please refer to Telegram and Discord documentation).
Key | Content | Example |
Name of the musician. | Red Hot Chili Peppers |
Two characters long number of the track on the release. | A1 |
Title of the track. | Around the World |
| Quality of the track. | FLAC
| {TIME}
| Time (hh:mm
) of the received notification | 08:30
Let's say we write a custom entry like this:
Using the same examples as above, we get:
08:30 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - A1 - Around the World - FLAC
You can also customize it with Markdown syntax (please refer to Telegram and Discord documentation).
You can, however, install this without the use of Docker (though I did not test it, also I'm not an expert).
I'm assuming you will use Linux - I used Fedora Remix on Windows' WSL
- Python 3 (I used 3.8 but I believe any recent version of 3 would work)
- Pip
- Knowledge with systemd or
- Tmux or similar software
- Some way to reverse proxy it, I personally use nginx-proxy with Letsencrypt on Docker, but you could use Caddy or whatever you want.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/bonny1992/informrr.git ~/notificator
Go into the repository folder and in the
foldercd ~/notificator/app
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit this line in
file:DATA_PATH = '/data'
with whatever folder you want (will be created on first start, be sure you have permissions to do that)
Now you will have to see how you want to start the programs, if as services or manually, for example with
- With systemd:
- Sorry, not so much experience here, create two files to run
python ~/notificator/app/main.py
andpython ~/notificator/app/notifiator.py
for systemd; reload the daemon and enable them.
- Sorry, not so much experience here, create two files to run
- With tmux:
- Run
tmux new -s notificator_webhook
- Run
python ~/notificator/app/main.py
- Press your
key combination (Default should beCTRL + B then D
) - Run
tmux new -s notificator_notify
- Run
python ~/notificator/app/notificator.py
- Press your
key combination (Default should beCTRL + B then D
) - Enjoy!
- But not that much because you will have to redo this process everytime you reboot the system.
- Run
- With systemd:
I ultimately suggest you to run this with Docker, or at the very least with systemd.
I have a very little experience with git or GitHub, as I use this majorly as a "cloud" for my (very crappy) code when I go from a PC to another.
So feel like to contribute as you like!
I still haven't tested this with Vagrant, sorry.
- Eh honestly a better error handling, right now it's pretty large.
- Lidarr support
- More entry customization
- Maybe a web page for customizing things?
- I'm accepting suggestions :D
I wrote this as I grew tired of the too many notifications I received when using Sonarr and Radarr, I hope you will find this useful too, even if it's not exactly polished or even... Good!