dropwizard-version-bundle Public
Forked from dropwizard-bundles/dropwizard-version-bundleA Dropwizard bundle that exposes the version of your application via the admin port.
Flickr4Java Public
Java API For Flickr. Fork of FlickrJ
dropwizard-debpkg-maven-plugin Public
Forked from reines/dropwizard-debpkg-maven-pluginA maven plugin for packing Dropwizard applications as Debian packages.
gocd-monitor Public
Forked from karmats/gocd-monitorBuild monitor for Go cd build server https://www.go.cd/
documentation Public
Forked from mailgun/documentationMailgun Documentation
enviroplus_exporter Public
Forked from tijmenvandenbrink/enviroplus_exporterPrometheus exporter for enviroplus module by Pimoroni
cdripper Public
Java code to rip, label and encode music CDs - ripping and encoding are done in parallel
backburner Public
Forked from nesquena/backburnerSimple and reliable beanstalkd job queue for ruby
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2018 -
pact-springboot-test Public
Forked from uglyog/pact-springboot-testTest project for springboot pact verification
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2018 -
react-hello-world Public
Forked from activelylazy/react-hello-worldA simple hello world using react
HTML UpdatedJan 5, 2017 -
scribe-java Public
Forked from scribejava/scribejavaSimple OAuth library for Java
ruby-podcast Public
simple library and command line utility for creating podcast files from a directory of mp3 files
ruby-prowl Public
Forked from augustl/ruby-prowlRuby interface to Prowl, http://prowl.weks.net/
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2015 -
gm-scripts Public
Various Greasemonkey scripts - mostly adapted from existing ones
expirical Public
Generate an ical file of expiry dates from a list of domains
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 1, 2014 -
dnsimple-importer Public
Forked from mipearson/dnsimple-importerImport tool for DNSimple
Ruby UpdatedApr 20, 2014 -
dnsimple-ruby Public
Forked from dnsimple/dnsimple-rubyRuby client for the DNSimple API.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2014 -
obitunary Public
A script to parse my iTunes library and figure out how many artists are still living versus how many are dead
Ruby UpdatedDec 11, 2013 -
whois Public
Forked from weppos/whoisAn intelligent pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2013 -
jprowl Public
JProwl is a Java interface for working with Prowl.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 11, 2013 -
ffmbc-perf Public
A simple performance test suite for FFmbc (and/or any process in fact)
tagenforcer Public
Simple command line script to check photos in a Flickr group pool contain a specified tag. Optionally remove non-compliant photos from the group.
stalker Public
Forked from han/stalkerA minimalist queueing DSL for Beanstalk.
Ruby UpdatedApr 18, 2012 -
twitter Public
Forked from sferik/twitter-rubyA Ruby wrapper for the Twitter REST and Search APIs