Resolver is a Swift package that handles all the core logic of the Streamer iOS and tvOS apps. It's responsible for parsing the website's HTML to output a raw URL that can be used to play the media content.
Provider: A website that contains movies or TV shows like
Media Content: Any content that contains playable material. It can be a movie or a TV show.
Source: 3rd party websites that host the video content like
Stream: Contains information about playable content. It contains raw URL and headers used to play this content on any player.
Resolver: A piece of code that converts a source "URL from a provider" to a stream "URL used to play content on any player".
Clone the repo.
in Xcode 15. -
Run the project.
You should see a sample app running the playground that shows content from one provider. The provider is defined in
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Browse the
package toResolverSources/Resolver/Providers
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and add a new case to theProviderType
enum with the provider name e.gcase xyz
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Create a new file with the provider name in the providers folder e.g
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Create a new struct that conforms to the
protocol e.g:
struct XYZProvider: Provider {
var type: ProviderType = .xyz
// Name of the website
var title: String = "XYZProvider"
// Emoji for the website language
var language: String = "🇺🇸"
// Description of the content on the website
var subtitle: String = "English content"
// The base URL for the website
var baseURL: URL = URL(string:"")!
// The base URL that contains all the movie listings
var moviesURL: URL = URL(string:"")!
// The base URL that contains all the TV show listings
var tvShowsURL: URL = URL(string:"")!
func latestMovies(page: Int) async throws -> [MediaContent] {
// Write code to request and parse a specific page for movie listing
return []
func latestTVShows(page: Int) async throws -> [MediaContent] {
// Write code to request and parse a specific page for a TV show listing
func fetchMovieDetails(for url: URL) async throws -> Movie {
// Write code to request and parse specific movie details
func fetchTVShowDetails(for url: URL) async throws -> TVshow {
// Write code to request and parse specific tv show details
func search(keyword: String, page: Int) async throws -> [MediaContent] {
// Write code to request and parse a search query for this website
You can always check the older providers for guidance
You can write a test case in the resolver tests target to verify your implementation or you can use the playground to check the output
in Xcode 15 -
Browse the
package toResolverSources/Resolver/Resolvers/Hosts
Create a new file with the resolver name in the resolvers folder e.g
Create a new struct that conforms to the
protocol e.g:
struct XYZResolver: Resolver {
// List of domains supported by this resolver
static var domains: [String] = [""]
// Request and parse the URL to generate streams. Some resolvers can generate multiple streams for multiple qualities
func getMediaURL(url: URL) async throws -> [Stream] {
and add your resolver toHostsResolver.resolvers
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You can always check the older resolvers for guidance
You can write a test case in the resolver tests target to verify your implementation or you can use the playground to check the output