This is a toy implementation of the (untyped) lambda calculus in Haskell.
Examples below are from GHCi.
Lambda terms are built up using the value constructors Var
(for variables), App
(for application), and Lam
(for abstraction). For example, the term (\x->(\y->(x y)))
is represented as follows:
> Lam "x" $ Lam "y" $ App (Var "x") (Var "y")
(\x->(\y->(x y)))
Terms are shown (with show
) in the notation seen above.
Equality for terms supports alpha-conversion (renaming of bound variables):
> Lam "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "y")) == Lam "z" (App (Var "z") (Var "y"))
> Lam "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "y")) == Lam "y" (App (Var "y") (Var "y"))
A number of functions are defined on terms. Below are some examples.
Computing the set of variables in a term:
> vars $ Lam "x" $ App (Var "x") (Var "y")
fromList ["x","y"]
Computing the set of free variables in a term:
> free $ Lam "x" $ App (Var "x") (Var "y")
fromList ["y"]
Computing a closure of a term:
> t = Lam "x" $ App (Var "x") (Var "y")
> t
(\x->(x y))
> closed t
> closure t
(\y->(\x->(x y)))
Computing the subterms of a term:
> subterms $ Lam "x" $ App (App (Var "x") (Var "y")) (Var "z")
fromList [x,y,z,(x y),((x y) z),(\x->((x y) z))]
Substituting a term for the free occurrences of a variable in a term:
> t = Lam "x" $ App (Lam "y" $ Var "y") (App (Var "y") (Var "y"))
> t
(\x->((\y->y) (y y)))
> sub "y" (App (Var "p") (Var "q")) t
(\x->((\y->y) ((p q) (p q))))
The term being substituted must be free for substitution!
> sub "y" (App (Var "p") (Var "x")) t
*** Exception: Invalid substitution!
Beta-reducing a term (one step, leftmost):
> t = Lam "x" $ App (Lam "y" $ Var "y") (Var "x")
> t
(\x->((\y->y) x))
> reduceLeftOnce t
Beta-reduction performs alpha-conversion if necessary.
Normalizing a term:
> t = App (App (Lam "x" $ Lam "y" $ App (Var "y") (Var "x")) (Var "a")) (Var "b")
> t
(((\x->(\y->(y x))) a) b)
> normal t
> normalize t
(b a)
See the module source code for more.
A number of standard combinators are defined.
> i
> k
> s
(\x->(\y->(\z->((x z) (y z)))))
> skk = App (App s k) i
> skk
(((\x->(\y->(\z->((x z) (y z))))) (\x->(\y->x))) (\x->x))
> normalize skk == i
Curry's Y combinator:
> y
(\f->((\x->(f (x x))) (\x->(f (x x)))))
> yF = App y (Var "F")
> reduceLeftOnce (reduceLeftOnce yF) == App (Var "F") (reduceLeftOnce yF)
Turing's theta combinator (if you haven't redefined t
> t
((\x->(\f->(f ((x x) f)))) (\x->(\f->(f ((x x) f)))))
> tF = App t (Var "F")
> reduceLeftOnce (reduceLeftOnce tF) == App (Var "F") tF
For an explanation of these combinators, see here.
> omega2
((\x->(x x)) (\x->(x x)))
> reduceLeftOnce omega2 == omega2
> true
> false
> t = App (App pair (Var "a")) (Var "b")
> normalize $ App first t
> normalize $ App second t
Arithmetic with Church numerals:
> num 5
(\f->(\x->(f (f (f (f (f x)))))))
> normalize (App (App add (num 2)) (num 3)) == num 5
> normalize (App (App mult (num 2)) (num 3)) == num 6
> normalize (App (App expn (num 2)) (num 3)) == num 8
> normalize (App predc (num 2)) == num 1