This Klipper plugin monitors the runtime of air filters (Nevermore, THE FILTER, etc), and triggers notifications and/or executes G-code when threshold conditions, such as max runtime or lifetime hours, are met. These monitoring checks also occur on pre-defined system events and keep track of total fan runtime.
To install this plugin, first ensure that you already have Klipper, Moonraker, and a WebUI (Mainsail, Fluidd, or Octoprint) installed on your printer. If not, you can use KIAUH to facilitate the process.
Then, execute the following command over SSH. The script will clone this GitHub repository to your device's home directory, and symlink the required files into the Klipper "extras" folder.
wget -O - | bash
Then, add the following to moonraker.conf to enable automatic updates:
[update_manager filter_monitor]
type: git_repo
path: ~/klipper-filter_monitor
managed_services: klipper moonraker
primary_branch: main
[filter_monitor air_filter]
fan: fan_generic bed_fans
[filter_monitor another_air_filter]
fan: fan_generic bed_fans # e.g fan_generic bed_filter, heater_generic heated_chamber, etc
max_runtime_hours: 50 # Defaults to 50 hours
max_days: 30 # Defaults to 30 days
interval: 30 # Defaults to 30 seconds
stats_caption: ""
# Output override for FILTER_STATS macro. Defaults to "<filter_name> at". e.g. Air Filter at 98%
expiry_gcode: # Executed when filter meets threshold condition
path: ~/printer_data/config/plugins/filter_monitor # Folder where filter data is stored
RESET_FILTER NAME=<filter_name>
To uninstall this plugin, execute the following command over SSH. The script will remove any symlinked files related to this plugin from the Klipper "extras" and "plugins" folders.
wget -O - | bash
Feel free to shoot me a message on Discord. You'll find me under mut3x_ on either the Voron or Klipper servers.