Run a super light, simple Lightning node (phoenixd) together with LNBits within Docker.
This is a docker-compose.yml for lnbits dev branch at LNBITS_COMMIT_HASH=2db5a83f4ed5dd21d99123a0947238f0674270c0, release 0.12.8 and phoenixd Dockerfile, source:
Latest PHOENIXD_COMMIT_HASH=3b6feb3c3f209b7c7a77ef6843734840e97e502b
Latest update: Wed Jul 17 12:32:34 PDT 2024
This repo will be updated to latest LNBits release when it comes out.
No problem, here's a guide on how to get started on a vps
git clone this repository.
docker-compose up
On initial docker launch, you will need to update the LNBits wallet endpoint in the server settings with the corresponding phoenixd http key and the phoenixd endpoint:
- Default phoenixd endpoint: http://localhost:9740/
- The phoenixd http key will be located in the phoenixd container at phoenixd.conf
Inspect your docker containers:

Inside of LNBits Admin panel, use the name of the phoenix docker container instead of localhost:
- Save and Restart the LNBits server.
- Check your logs to see if connected to phoenixd wallet.

To restore a seed from backup, run:
read SEED && docker compose exec phoenixd bash -c "echo $SEED > /phoenix/.phoenix/seed.dat"
<type in 12 seed words like this: word1 word2 word3 ...>
docker compose stop phoenixd
docker compose up -d phoenixd
# Verify your seed/nodeid
docker compose exec phoenixd bash -c "cat /phoenix/.phoenix/seed.dat"
docker compose exec phoenixd bash -c "/phoenix/bin/phoenix-cli getinfo"
Ok, now that you have your Docker containers running on your VPS, To Make LNbits install accessible over clearnet with a domain, follow these instructions:
- Phoenixd discussions:
- LNBits Telegram: @lnbits
This is a pre-release, for those who want test out and deploy before next lnbits release. There are some docker customizations which are not default to lnbits. p.s. I am not super familiar with Docker, so if there is a better way to do this, please do suggest.