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⚠️ Project is still in work. Don't expect it to work for now. ⚠️

✨ Bimowy

A Khan Academy inspired project to help everyone be able to train in any math domain they want to.

⭐ Star History (i live for stars) (yes even thought it's not working yet)

Star History Chart Star History Chart

🎥 Demo

📁 File Structure

└─ app/
   ├─ api/
   │  ├─ exercices/
   │  │  ├─ db.ts              # Database exercices
   │  │  ├─ defs.ts            # Definitions and types for exercices
   │  │  └─ route.ts           # API route for getting all exercices data
   │  ├─ generate/
   │  │  └─ route.ts           # API Route to generate an exercice from it's ID
   │  └─ validate/
   │     └─ route.ts           # API Route for validating an exercice's answers
   ├─ exercices/
   │  ├─ [exercice_id]/
   │  │  └─ page.tsx           # Page for displaying a specific exercice
   │  └─ page.tsx              # List page for exercices
   ├─ layout.tsx               # Layout for the application
   ├─ not-found.tsx            # Custom 404 page
   ├─ page.tsx                 # Main page for the app
   └─ style.css                # Global styles for the app (Tailwindcss)

⚙️ Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd bimowy
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run dev
  4. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000.

🛠️ API Endpoints


  • Description: Fetch all exercices.
  • Method: GET


  • Description: Generate (5 by default) exercices for a specific exercice.
  • Method: POST
  • Body:
    • exercice_id: string (ID of the exercice to generate questions for)
    • n: number (Optional) The number of questions to generate (default is 5)
  • Response:
    • Returns an array of generated questions for the specified exercice.


  • Description: Validate user input for exercices.
  • Method: POST
  • Body:
    • exercice_id: string (ID of the exercice to validate answers for)
    • answers: array (Answers submitted for the exercice)
    • seed: string or number (Seed used to generate the exercice, may vary for each user or session)
  • Response:
    • Returns the validation result, which could include whether the answers are correct or not.

🤝 Contributing

Feel free to fork the repository and create pull requests. Please make sure to make meaningful commits. Performance or bug fixes are welcome. Random commits will not be accepted.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.