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A library for QC report based on MultiQC framework


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What is pmultiqc?

pmultiqc is a MultiQC plugin for comprehensive quality control reporting of proteomics data. It generates interactive HTML reports with visualizations and metrics to help you assess the quality of your mass spectrometry-based proteomics experiments.

Key Features

  • Works with multiple proteomics data formats and analysis pipelines
  • Generates interactive HTML reports with visualizations
  • Provides comprehensive QC metrics for MS data
  • Supports different quantification methods (LFQ, TMT, DIA)
  • Integrates with the MultiQC framework

Supported Data Sources

pmultiqc supports the following data sources:

  1. quantms pipeline output files:

    • experimental_design.tsv: Experimental design file
    • *.mzTab: Results of the identification
    • *msstats*.csv: MSstats/MSstatsTMT input files
    • *.mzML: Spectra files
    • *ms_info.tsv: MS quality control information
    • *.idXML: Identification results
    • *.yml: Pipeline parameters (optional)
    • diann_report.tsv: DIA-NN main report (DIA analysis only)
  2. MaxQuant result files:

    • parameters.txt: Analysis parameters
    • proteinGroups.txt: Protein identification results
    • summary.txt: Summary statistics
    • evidence.txt: Peptide evidence
    • msms.txt: MS/MS scan information
    • msmsScans.txt: MS/MS scan details
  3. mzIdentML files:

    • *.mzid: Identification results
    • *.mzML or *.mgf: Corresponding spectra files


# Install from PyPI
pip install pmultiqc

# Or install from source
git clone
cd pmultiqc
pip install -e .


pmultiqc is used as a plugin for MultiQC. After installation, you can run it using the MultiQC command-line interface.

Basic Usage

multiqc {analysis_dir} -o {output_dir}


  • {analysis_dir} is the directory containing your proteomics data files
  • {output_dir} is the directory where you want to save the report


For quantms pipeline results

# Basic usage
multiqc /path/to/quantms/results -o ./report

# With specific options
multiqc /path/to/quantms/results -o ./report --remove_decoy --condition factor

For MaxQuant results

multiqc --parse_maxquant /path/to/maxquant/results -o ./report

For mzIdentML files

multiqc --mzid_plugin /path/to/mzid/files -o ./report

Command-line Options

Option Description Default
--raw Keep filenames in experimental design output as raw False
--condition Create conditions from provided columns -
--remove_decoy Remove decoy peptides when counting True
--decoy_affix Pre- or suffix of decoy proteins in their accession DECOY_
--contaminant_affix The contaminant prefix or suffix CONT
--affix_type Location of the decoy marker (prefix or suffix) prefix
--disable_plugin Disable pmultiqc plugin False
--quantification_method Quantification method for LFQ experiment feature_intensity
--disable_table Disable protein/peptide table plots for large datasets False
--ignored_idxml Ignore idXML files for faster processing False
--parse_maxquant Generate reports based on MaxQuant results False
--mzid_plugin Generate reports based on mzIdentML files False

QC Metrics and Visualizations

pmultiqc generates a comprehensive report with multiple sections:

General Report

  • Experimental Design: Overview of the dataset structure
  • Pipeline Performance Overview: Key metrics including:
    • Contaminants Score
    • Peptide Intensity
    • Charge Score
    • Missed Cleavages
    • ID rate over RT
    • MS2 OverSampling
    • Peptide Missing Value
  • Summary Table: Spectra counts, identification rates, peptide and protein counts
  • MS1 Information: Quality metrics at MS1 level
  • Pipeline Results Statistics: Overall identification results
  • Number of Peptides per Protein: Distribution of peptide counts per protein

Results Tables

  • Peptide Table: First 500 peptides in the dataset
  • PSM Table: First 500 PSMs (Peptide-Spectrum Matches)

Identification Statistics

  • Spectra Tracking: Summary of identification results by file
  • Search Engine Scores: Distribution of search engine scores
  • Precursor Charges Distribution: Distribution of precursor ion charges
  • Number of Peaks per MS/MS Spectrum: Peak count distribution
  • Peak Intensity Distribution: MS2 peak intensity distribution
  • Oversampling Distribution: Analysis of MS2 oversampling
  • Delta Mass: Mass accuracy distribution
  • Peptide/Protein Quantification Tables: Quantitative levels across conditions

Example Reports

You can find example reports in the docs directory:


To contribute to pmultiqc:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork: git clone
  3. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b new-feature
  4. Make your changes
  5. Install in development mode: pip install -e .
  6. Test your changes: cd tests && multiqc resources/LFQ -o ./
  7. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add new feature'
  8. Push to the branch: git push origin new-feature
  9. Submit a pull request


This project is licensed under the terms of the LICENSE file included in the repository.


If you use pmultiqc in your research, please cite:

pmultiqc: A MultiQC plugin for proteomics quality control