here are my dot files and configs I want to carry over to new sytems. This is for mac osX
To setup things up, 3 files are needed.
- - putting all install script into one
- .zshrc
Get them all into your home directory with this command
cd; curl -#L | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 --exclude={,LICENSE}
To install all stuff, run this.
cd; ./
(If you want to copy this, go line by line if you really need this - or more)
Here is some stuff I want on my computer that are not yet automated in the setup script. I tend to forget half of it, that why they are collected here.
- Pretty JSON
- SublimeJedi
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeLinter-flake8
- HTML-CSS-JS Prettify
- gpg tools & setup
- finding a secure place to store ssh keys and gpg keys and automate importing from there
- change shell zsh
- install sublime plugin manager and plugin automated
- restore pycharm settings automated
- edit prompt to proper handle showing the virtualenv and not the deprecated way