🔭 I’m currently working on enterprise-level projects, including:
- Backend development using Node.js and Express .
- Web server configuration with Fastify for integration tasks.
- Database optimization for PostgreSQL.
🌱 I’m currently learning Kubernetes, Python for Web Scraping (with Playwright), and Cloud-Native Solutions.
💬 Ask me about Next.js, Node.js, Java, Python (Web Scraping with Playwright), Microservices
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- Microservices Architecture: Designing scalable and maintainable services.
- Kubernetes: Orchestrating containerized applications for deployment and scaling.
- Python for Data Scraping: Automating data collection using Playwright to explore web scraping techniques efficiently.
- AWS Cloud (Lambda, S3, etc.): Building serverless applications and utilizing cloud-native solutions.
✨ Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or reach out via email at [email protected].
Let's build something amazing together! 🚀