(:require [cljs-react-test.simulate :as sim]
[cljs-react-test.utils :as tu])
It is not trivial to get the dependecies right when adding libraries that depend on different versions of React (addons vs no addons). The following very explicit configuration should work:
(:dependencies [cljs-react-test "0.1.4-SNAPSHOT"]
[cljsjs/react-with-addons "15.2.0-0"]
[cljsjs/react-dom "15.2.0-0" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]])
A thin wrapper around React.addons.TestUtils. It provides convenient access to their Simulate Events in ClojureScript in a more idiomatic way. All of React's Synthetic Events have their corresponding action in kebab-case, removing the "on":
Simulate.onChange(target, data)
(change target data)
Simulate.onDrop(target, data)
(drop target data)
All arguments can be passed as ClojureScript objects and they will be
converted to JS objects via clj->js
Note: Right now all functions take two arguments, even those that don't need the second one:
(click target) ;; Will raise a warning
(click target nil) ;; Correct Way
This will be corrected in the next version.
It also offers a couple of convenient fixture functions in the
namespace such as new-container!
and unmount!
This guide uses
which is deprecated in favor ofom.next
For an example using raw React, look attest/basic.cljs
in this repository
We will be testing an Om component that
takes a name as input and displays it. We start by requiring
, cljs-react-test.simulate
, and dommy.core
and our usual namespaces:
(ns cljs-react-test.basic
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is are use-fixtures]]
[cljs-react-test.utils :as tu]
[cljs-react-test.simulate :as sim]
[dommy.core :as dommy :refer-macros [sel1 sel]]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]))
We create a var
where we will put a DOM object to act as container
for our application and a fixture function that starts it, runs the
tests, and then tears down React's rendering tree:
(def ^:dynamic c)
(use-fixtures :each (fn [test-fn]
(binding [c (tu/new-container!)]
(tu/unmount! c))))
Note: this fixture will not work with asynchronous tests.
We write the simplest component we can think of:
(defn test-component [data owner]
(dom/div nil
(dom/p nil "Enter your name:")
#js {:onChange #(om/update! data :name (.. % -target -value))
:value (:name data)})
(dom/p nil (str "Your name is: " (:name data))))))
And then we test it assuming there is a DOM Element at c
(deftest name-component
(testing "The initial state is displayed"
(let [app-state (atom {:name "Arya"})
_ (om/root test-component app-state {:target c})
display-node (second (sel c [:p]))
input-node (sel1 c [:input])]
(is (re-find #"Arya" (.-innerHTML display-node)))
(testing "and when there is new input, it changes the state"
(sim/change input-node {:target {:value "Nymeria"}})
(is (= "Nymeria" (:name @app-state)))
(is (re-find #"Nymeria" (.-innerHTML display-node)))))))
Notice the structure of test:
- Set up the initial state in
. - Start the application with
. - Test the initial rendering.
- Simulate events and then force a re-render with
. - Test the changes both in the state and in the rendering tree.
- Go back to 4
First download the repo:
git clone https://github.com/bensu/cljs-react-test
cd cljs-react-tests
And then run the tests with doo:
lein with-profile test doo slimer test
Or if you want to use PhantomJS:
lein with-profile test doo phantom test
Or use the alias defined in project.clj
which uses SlimerJS:
lein test
I've had a better experience with SlimerJS than with PhantomJS.
We need to run the tests in a different profile since the library
itself shouldn't depend on om
but the tests do.
Pull requests, issues, and feedback welcome.
Copyright © 2016 Sebastian Bensusan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.