Sample programs and examples for DevOps Training
Contains examples of Ansible playbooks
Please use the instructions to setup environment at:
Just copy paste the instructions from lab-01 folder, it should work
cd ansible/lab-02/
ansible-playbook java-nginx.yml
cd ansible/lab-03/
ansible-playbook web-page.yml
cd ansible/lab-04/
ansible-playbook deploy-web-content.yml
cd ansible/lab-05/
ansible-playbook deploy-web-content.yml
Lab to create instances on AWS.
sudo yum install python-pip -y
sudo pip install boto
cd ansible/lab-06/
ansible-playbook create_ec2_instance.yml
To Terminate the instance ( You will need the instance id either from AWS console, or output from the create playbook)
cd ansible/lab-06/
ansible-playbook terminate_ec2_instance.yml
Generate dynamic inventory and run playbooks
cd ansible/lab-07/
python <aws-access-key> <aws-access-secret-key>
Generate dynamic inventory and install docker followed by mssql docker image
ansible-playbook lab-08/running_roles.yml
- Write a ansible ad-hoc to retrieve the current date and time from web servers.
- Create a group by name “db” and add remote node to the group.Verify connectivity with the group.
- Write a ansible ad-hoc command to install & remove python3 & git package.
- Add a system user called joe on all web servers. Make sure that the user has a home directory.
- Write a ansible ad-hoc to clone the github repository. ( & store it in location /tmp/.
- Write a ad-hoc command to fetch the file .bash_profile from remote node & store it on controller node in home directory by name remote_node_profile.
- Create a custom fact in remote nodes & get the git & httpd version using ansible adhoc command.
- Write a playbook to read username & password as variables & display the output.
- Write a playbook to install httpd using command line argument.
- Write a playbook to get the following details of localhost using setup module
- ansible_distribution
- ansible_distribution_version
- ansible_os_family
- Write a playbook to perform the following arithmetic operations by passing values of x & y through vars.yaml file.
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division v)Modulus
- Write a playbook to install httpd using conditional statement.
- Write a playbook to create the following users using loops.
- user:kunal groups:wheel
- user:tom groups:user
- user:bob groups:user
- Write a playbook to install nginx & wget with & without tags.
- Write a playbook to install apache web-server with customized default page which will prints "Welcome to Ansible training with ip_address of remote node".
- Write a playbook to install Tomcat server
- Write a playbook to install Tomcat server using roles
- Write a playbook to install Jenkins server using roles