- restify
- knex.js
- async
POST/dico/:word Add a word to the dictionnay.
POST/dico/ BODY [ key='file' : a .txt file with a word on each line] Add file's content to the dictionnay
HEAD/dico/:word Returns
- 200 if the 'word' exists
- 404 otherwise
GET/anag/:word Return
- 200 if at least 1 anagram has been found
- BODY : JSON object, object.data is an array that contains the results
- 404 if it didn't found an anagram
- 500 if an error has been encountered
- 200 if at least 1 anagram has been found
GET/history/:offset/:limit Return
- 200 if offset and limit are valid
- BODY : JSON object, object.data is an array that contains the results
- 500 otherwise
- 200 if offset and limit are valid
2 npm runs are avaible :
- "startDev"
- Launch all the Routes
- For now there are no auth mecanism, don't use it on a server, you don't want your users to be able to add words in your dictionnay without controls.
- "startProd"
- Launch GET/anag/:word and GET/history/:offset/:limit only
- This one is (supposed to be) safe on a server
- Angular2
- Authentication system
- History display
- Multi-words search ...