This is Raspberry Pi reimplementation of 15 seconds of fame project by Franc Solina. ( 15seconds of fame is an interactive installation that every 15 seconds generates a new pop-art portrait of a randomly selected viewer. The installation was inspired by Andy Warhol’s ironical statement that “in the future everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.” The installation detects human faces and crops them from the wide-angle view of people standing before the installation. Pop-art portraits are then generated by applying randomly selected filters to a randomly chosen face from the audience. These portraits are then shown in 15-second intervals on the flat-panel computer monitor, which is framed as a painting.
The reimplementation of the project was part of my final project at subject Interactivity and Information design on master study of CS FRI UL.
- RaspberryPi supported camera - RaspberryPi Model 2b+ - Raspbian Jessie OS - - Python 2.7 (Preinstalled on Raspbian Jessie) - OpenCV - - PyGame - pip install pygame - Facebook Python SDK - pip install facebook-sdk - Copy both and in same directory on RaspberryPi. - Run and wait till it find first face and generate out.jpg. - Run to start showing taken photos. - Obtain your page id and and access token ( - Copy page id to script (page_id="your_page_id") - Copy long live access token (access_token="your_access_token")